
Why would anyone willingly follow any Royal House of Europe?

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Given the blood on their hands due to Dynastic squabbles that eventually culminated in the Great War. Shouldn't the Kaiser and the King George V have been tried as war criminals? Shouldn't all titles be banned from "public use"?




  1. no.  Man is greedy an spoiled.

  2. People in Europe do not follow the Royal Houses in their respective countries,they follow the leaders of their democratically elected governments.King George V did NOT start a war,why then should he be tried as a war criminal.George Dubbya Bush did start a war and should be indicted and tried as the war criminal that he definitely is.It seems that you should study history far more than you do.

  3. A little Christmas spirit is needed for this question!

  4. They are following the romantic idea of royalty and grandeur.  The idea of kings and queens and noblemen and grand balls and golden coaches is sooooo far removed from the daily drudgery.

  5. Er, given this criteria, how would you handle George Bush? Or Richard Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Reagan, etc.

    I find it amusing that in America, a democratic republic, that people keep their titles and are referred by them, long after they leave office. Think about Presidents, Ambassadors, Secretaries, Congressmen/women, Senators - they never give up their titles, yet Yanks always quibble about others with titles.

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