
Why would chocolate merengue pie smell like fish?

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why would chocolate merengue pie smell like fish?




  1. maybe gone bad?

  2. maybe some nasty girl sat on it!

  3. It's rotten !i

  4. I dunno. I guess.. Umm.... I actually have no clue at all.. LOL... there isn't any fish in merengue pie so yeah.. I don't think it smells like fish. Maybe its just phycological?

  5. One of the ingredients used went bad.  My guess is the dairy.

  6. thats nasty -- probably because its gone seriously bad!  

  7. do you have fish in your fridge maybe? or it's old.


  8. sounds like one of your ingredients was bad, maybe the eggs.

  9. Sounds pretty cool , what type of fish freshwater or salt ????

    I would go ahead and take it to a bake sale and auction it off.

    Or at least use it three stooges style, man a sticky fish pie to the face that would suck.  

  10. isn't merengue made from egg whites or milk or something... if it smells bad its probably gone bad.

  11. would if you put fish in it, but other than that it shouldn't smell like fish.

  12. no cuase choclate is a pretty good strong smell so ....

  13. It has most likely gone bad.  I would not eat it.

  14. Was there fish in the frig along with the pie? Lots of foods can absorb the aroma of other foods. Maybe some fish juice dripped from a higher shelf onto the pie....ewwwww! I'd start over with a new pie myself.

  15. chocolate absorbs smells something like 10 times more than baking soda does. So if you even had fish anywhere near it the chocolate would take on the smell. So think about where the chocolate had been.

  16. I can't think of any other reason than it going bad and started to smell like fish............ Unless you put fish in the pie????? But otherwise it probably went bad.

  17. Maybe the eggs for the merengue were bad?

  18. Did a fish make, throw it out!!

  19. don't eat it.  

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