
Why would congress be so interested in Clemens cause. Do they play judge, prosecutor, jury or audience role?

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after all, Clemens was just a celebrity athlete. Shouldn't congress be spending time somewhere else and leave it to DEA?




  1. I've been wondering why anyone cares.

    My apathy for the subject of steroids in baseball grows daily.

  2. Congress never addresses the urgent issues. Important issues such as the war, health care, economy, the record debt, illegal immigration. Yet they choose to spend time on baseballs problems. Just a few months back it was g*y marriage and many other things that don't really matter. For that we pay them a large salary with many perks, free health care for example.

  3. Hey, look over here...

  4. It's a diversion. If we are worried about professional athletes who use drugs, we might forget about Bush's unilateral destruction of the Constitution, or we might forget that the U.S. is losing two wars.

  5. They have to justify their existance somehow.  The pro sports owners and the free agency system should be sitting right along side Clemens.  After all - it is the free agency system that allows pro athletes to auction themselves off to the highest bidder (read as pro sports franchise owners).

  6. Mostly they play audience, although the main reason they hold hearings is to see if they need to pass a law to address drug use in the sports industry. However the hearings are under oath and if someone lies under oath it is perjury. One reason they waste their time on these hearings is that there is little they could get done with such a narrow majority.

  7. I have no idea why they are spending your's and my dollars on this. Seems that is all they have to do is investigate people. No wonder they have the lowest ratings ever. Should be a recall for all of them that are involved in this joke.

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