
Why would god create such an evil act of nature?

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A wasp that eats ladybirds

The euphorine wasp, Dinocampus coccinellae, is found throughout the world. It arrived in New Zealand during the early days of European settlement.

This wasp lays an egg in the body of an adult ladybird.

When the egg hatches, the larva grows through 4 instars while feeding on the living ladybird.

The mature larva then severs the main nerves of the ladybird's legs, and burrows its way out of the ladybird.

Next the mature larva ties the ladybird's legs together and pupates underneath.

The pupating wasp enjoys the protection provided by the ladybird's bright warning coloration as well as the deterrent properties of "reflex bleeding"; a mechanism ladybirds use to produce toxic and foul-tasting fluids from their joints to repel would-be predators.

Which evil being would create an act so inhumane! Being eaten alive from the insides! if god is real why would he create this?

(i asked a similar question bout a week ago but got stupid answers, that didnt make sense, so im asking it again)




  1. Please don't say Satan did it.

    Wow. There are some cold people on here.

    Looks like your question failed again :(

  2. It's a tiny picture of the corruption that came upon God's "very good" creation when humanity rebelled against the Creator and sin came into this world and wreaked it.

    Romans 5:12  Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned

    Romans 8:18  For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.  19  For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.  20  For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope;  21  because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.  22  For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now.

  3. Nature is a marvelous living machine designed to maintain this house (the earth) we all live in. As the Bible explains that in the millennium even the lion will graze and lay down with the lamb, it is believed that Satan changed the digestive systems and behavior of the beasts of the earth. Of course you are free to decide that God is evil if you want.

  4. Genes are "selfish" Maybe God wants it that way. All questions about God are essentially meaningless. They dont become more meaningful by anthropomorphising God into some sort of nice person.

  5. Nature is a ***** so she is. I have watched documentary where gazelles on the plains are giving birth as the lions and other predators are crouched just behind the mother in her labor. The babe drops to the ground just to be snapped up by a predator.

    Born just to die?

    Nature is a crazy old girl.

  6. Evolution made this not god.  

  7. Because He's a wicked old b*****d!

    Or would be if He existed.

  8. It is only your impression of what nature is.  Simply because it make no sense to you does not mean it serves no purpose.  We also need to keep in mind the fact that when man sinned, all of creation suffers from that corruption.

  9. just because you see it as inhumane doesnt really matter to God or to nature in itself.. as its already been said, it's just part of the food chain, its how things work. some people think its inhumane to eat animals.. boo hoo? theyre here for that reason, theyre nourishment for people and for other animals. the ways in which things are killed by us or by other animals (do you think that a lion killing a zebra by biting its neck is inhumane too?) is just the way that it works.. its all there for a reason

  10. everything god created has a purpose even ants.ants r supposed to teach us people how to work hard and how to work as a team.u probably say why did he created roaches? it's because roaches eats germs that if a human was infected by them he'll die.every little thing has a purpose.and i'm sure he has a very good reason why he created wasps.

  11. He created us, and look at all the evil c**p we do.

  12. Okay, two things?

    Don't we people kill billions ofchickens and other animals just to stay alive?

    If God exists, what do you think that His love is made for animals? Isn't Gods love about HUMANS? Who cares if a d**n bird get's eaten by a worm lol?

    Point is: Gods love is for humans, not birds or any other animals, those things are suposed to be companions of humans, like a dog etc..

  13. we eat animals and that evil too...

  14. It's just the way the world works. Everything is part of a food chain.

  15. Miss Dee's answer was the best one. It's part of the food chain. This is the system of checks and balances that God created to keep a particular part of the animal kingdom from overruning another part. There is a balance that needs to be maintained and even if we, as humans, don't understand why they happen the way they do, such as you described, they need to happen non the less. What would be the alternative methods that you would use to keep balance in this universe? Tea and crumpet?

       The insects involved aren't committing an "inhuman" act, they are insects not humans. While we are on the subject, have you looked around you lately, at the "inhuman" acts that humans use on each other? Rape, murder, torture, wars, beheadings, bamboo shoots under the fingernails, torture racks,  burning at the stake, water torture, human sacrifices, terrorists flying into buildings and murdering 3000 people, mass genocide by people like Stalin, Hitler, Musollini, Pol Pot, Saddam Hussain.  And you are worring about wasps that eat ladybirds? Where on earth are your priorities placed in the whole scheme of things? If you want to make a difference, try helping out humans that are victims of the extreme inhumanity to man caused by rampant sin.

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