
Why would he do this

by  |  earlier

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well as i was walking 2 my highschool this jack@ss drove by w/ his sack hanging out the window & a black ski mask over himself. i couldn't catch the drivers license. im not 2 upset or anything, but why do people have 2 do that?




  1. Wow what a terrible thing to happen. You Know now a days kids do things that they think are amusing and unharmful not realizing the stress and uneasy feelings they create in others around them. Now a days kids are so wrapped up in things they think are what they call cool, but its not.

  2. It's called shock thrill ~ to shock you and your mind and to get a thrill for them self having done it.

  3. that's disgusting

    i wish you would have saw the drivers license  =[

    i would be upset too and idk why he did that... probably a prank and he's def. messed up
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