
Why would he lie and How should I get him back?

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My ex-boyfriend from 10 years ago (he took my virginity) invited to his Bday Celebration. He lives a couple hours away and I hadn't seen him since I was 15. (I'm 25) but he had gotten my # from a mutual friend and started calling me months ago. Well, I ended up visitng him for that weekend...and it was a MESS. He acted like, we were a couple again, though two different women showed up on two different occasions upset by my presence. I had asked him BEFORE I visited was he in a relationship, and he said NO. Well, since returning---his so-called women friend(s) have been occupying his time, he has told me I was being petty. And on myspace--he had one of the woman I met that weekend as his # 1 friend, with picture albums of him and her and captions reading, "My boo, my bday gift"---he BLATANTLY lied to me about her being JUST a friend when I was there, while it's obvious they're MORE. I feel betrayed even after 10 years---how should I get him back?




  1. I would never want him back even if for revenge.Move on! He's a jerk and he doesn't deserve you.

  2. Who cares!?! You haven't talked to the guy in years. For all you know, he could be on the run for capital murder! Just kidding, but seriously, who cares?  This all sounds kind of childish.  Who cares about the #1 spot on myspace friends list? Unless you are still in love with him....

  3. There is no reason why you should get him back. If he had lied to you in the past what would stop him from doing it again to you. Forget about the fact that he took your virginity, girl we are now in a modern world. There are alot of us guys out there that doesn't mind if the girl is a virgin or not. Move on !  

  4. The best way is to just leave his sorry ***! He'll miss you and be miserable if he thinks he can have you whenever he wants.

  5. Listen, he's still playing highschool games and you're too old for that. He was just trying to use you and trick you just like he's done with the other girls because he's still the same immature guy he probably used to be. Don't even give him the time of day. Erase his number, his Mysapce account and move on like you had been. He's your ex for a reason so leave him that way, he doesn't deserve your time and you don't need to be playing games. You're both too old for that.

  6. reprhase the question - not how should i get him back, but WHY should i want him back?

  7. Have you thought of going on with your life,

    If he calls nicely tell him sorry I got plans maybe another time.

    He has plenty of " Night Time Friends " if you get my hint.

    He is just trying to keep all his options open  and if that means you tonight and " Boo " tomorrow he wins all the way around.

    You just need to hang with real friends and find you a man that only wants to be with you.

  8. why would u want him back hes a liar

  9. Your last cant be serious?

    He just threw it out there, see if it would bite.  And you did.

    He has nooooo respect for you.  By playing along with this stupid game, you are preventing opportunities for healthy, enjoyable ones from occuring.

  10. He isn't worth your don't waste your time in thinking up ways to get back with him....Delete him out of your myspace....and have no further contact with the lying a*****e....

  11. Your 25 and thinking more about revenge then maturity. Dump his sorry *** and let all the rest know your through with the rotten, lying snake. Your reward is knowing your dumping his azz and growing up.  

  12. you haven't learned yet that all men lie and they are all dogs. you will never be able to trust them h**l plus he doesn't belong to you you aren't his girlfriend so he doesn't care if he lied to you or not.

  13. Invite him to stay with you for a weekend, then later in the day have a guy friend stop by and leave with him. don't come back for a few hours and don't answer his calls if you have a cell phone. If he was smart he would just leave, if not when you get home let him know the guy was just a friend, play with his mind a little bit.  

  14. Grow up.

  15. well getting him back really isnt the answer..he lied prolly because he really doesnt care..what you could do is just make him think you are seeing someone like he is and make him jealous..but other than that it really doesnt matter. you were 15 and now ur 25..thats kinda you dont even live by him..stop answering his calls and messages on myspace for a little while and make him think you hate him..

  16. The only way to get revenge is to make him think that you got someone else.  Maybe invite him down to visit you and have some of your male friends come around and act like they are more than friends.... Or call him on the phone, and then tell him to hold ...when you come back say that was john or charles and you will need to call him back and then do not call him back that day wait 2 days ....he will probably call you back sooner, but you need to act like you are busy...(say something like I was just going out...and drop a man name in the conversation.. I hope this works, if nothing else he will be mad

  17. You want to know why?? because he is a man and men are all dooshbags in one way or another

  18. You gave up your virginity and still want this loser?

    Wake up and drop him and seek out a real person with real morals. it looks like he infected your brain.

  19. No offence, but this guy sounds like a loser.

    im not sure what you mean by getting him back? i hope you dont mean literally! as in for a relationship.

    Dont get your own back, just leave it. You dont need someone that lies around you in your life, they always make things worse, it seems to me its not possible for you to be friends either?  So just move on, and avoid seeing him.

    Its been 10 years you say, well.. he obviously hasn't grown up has he?

  20. Grow up and move on. Make him jealous.

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