
Why would i choose a mac desktop computer over a PC?

by  |  earlier

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i really want a mac, i am already convinced but i just have to convince my parents that it will be better than the one we have. we have a dell and have always had problems with dells and its old and money is not the issue here. so please help me =]




  1. Why would you choose a mac? Well, macs cost more, but if it's important to you I don't see why not. If you want the best quality in a computer and you aren't afraid to spend a little time, I personally always suggest building your computer and putting Ubuntu on it. Otherwise I suggest buying a computer with Ubuntu pre-installed. In my opinion Ubuntu is much more useful than OSX, but to each their own, I suppose.

  2. Less spyware/virus problem, due to the way the kernel for MAC is designed.

    At the risk of being offensive, and not wishing to incur your wrath, what makes YOU convinced? Sounds good in the ad's? All your friends have one? Sorry, but as a user who uses Ubuntu 7.10 on a PC, I'm not convinced about a MAC. Too expensive, and doesn't run games worth a hoot, according to my resources. (People I know, people I have met, and other answerer's from around the world, on here.) More graphics media oriented, and better with other artistic stuff? Okay, put that up against my Ubuntu 7.10, and Photoshop. The only thing, I could think of off the top of my head, is that it's more inclined to be safer against malware.

    Edit: There are viruses written for the MAC OS!



    Still, not a significant number that you can't sleep at night!

    ALL Operating Systems are prone to viruses. Even a Linux

    distro like my Ubuntu. Why do I not worry about it?

    1.The Windows kernel is designed so that the user can access the root of the kernel. Linux differs because the user,(And this has to be the 'Administrator'), does not have access to the root, unless they specifically open the root folder, and go inside. With Windows it is always open. MAC follows the Linux design, but isn't quite the same. Not as good!

    2.The malware 'baddie' has to write a malware program that will attack a specific distro,(Distribution) of Linux.

    There are over a hundred, different distros of Linux. (Ubuntu is just one) Now the 'baddie' has to write a program that will attack a specific version of a distro. Hmmmmm, doesn't sound very feasible, as with Ubuntu alone there are MANY versions!

    3.There aren't as many MAC users, and Linux users, as there are Windows users. Which sounds more feasible to you? Attack a few users, or the majority with the weaker security O/S?

    Edit 2:








  3. well is better to buy a new PC than buy a MAC a MAC is only used for schools and used for people that like graphics etc... so right you should use PC all you need to do is clean your old computer and do some clean ups defrags etc... so that old computer can work like new!!! :)  

  4. Tell them you can also put Windows on the Mac, so everybody will be happy.

  5. Get this ,you have Mac and PC ,both works great in this one ,

  6. it should be easy to convince them if you can get them down to the apple store to take a look at them.

    once you start playing around on one, and see how it easy it is to do things, it's really easy to make up your mind.

    Plus, there are no viruses written for the Mac OS.

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