
Why would i wake up crying?

by  |  earlier

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i was taking a nap before starting my homework because i knew i'd be up late doing homework. when i woke up, i felt like i had not slept at all, although i guess i did, since i don't remember thinking about anything for the time i was asleep. i didn't feel rested at all, and for some odd reason, i just started crying when i woke up. i guess i felt like i would be more behind on my homework and my nap was a waste, but it was more of a disoriented senseless crying. why would this happen?




  1. it could just be stress getting to u.

  2. Sleep is an amazing thing. Your brain processes information at such a fast rate.

    You may have been in an extreme vulnerable place when you woke up and that was your brains way of cleansing.

    The other explanation is that you were in the middle of a horrible which you do not remember... OR you were having a beautiful dream from which you didn't want to wake up from.

    Don't worry... crying is good.

    Deep breath... everything is as it should be.

  3. you proubly have stress or thats what it sounds like and it proubly had something to do with the dreams you were having that you just dont remember cauz you have dreams that you dont reamember in your sleep like every night or everytime you go to sleep

  4. you were wasted before you passed out werent you?

  5. Maybe you had a sad or scary dream.  Or, maybe, you are feeling overwhelmed by the lack of sleep and the amount of homework you have.  Try to de-stress yourself and relax.

    Good luck!

  6. maybe you felt something from the past,, i've done this before but that's because i had a bad dream. hmmm, that's kinda odd, maybe it's cause of stress. Sometimes stress gets to people, and maybe your homework just got to you.

  7. Maybe it was your body's way of relieving stress.

  8. You could have had a bad dream that you don't remember.

  9. wake up crying...?!

    babies cry when they need something or feeling uncomfortable, but you can help urself...think abt urself...write on paper ...ur thoughts ....ur feelings ....things to do...and things you want to do but cant do !!

  10. Perhaps you had a dream, although you cannot remember it that had a negative effect on your mood. Sometimes people can wake up feeling like this, or very depressed, or violent. The human brain is a mystery!

  11. you might have had a sad dream, and your conscious mind doesn't remember but you responded to it still by crying

    plus crying could just be a stress reliever because you worried about your homework

    all the best

  12. I know the feeling. I was having a breakdown after my first day of high school yesterday.

    Maybe your body is just dealing with stress.

    My problem was I was overtired AND stressed, which got me emotional. Could that perhaps be your problem?

    My mom always says you can't make up for lost sleep. Maybe you didn't get enough sleep during your nap, and you were still tired when you woke up.

    I hope you feel better now though:]

  13. sometimes whenn you dont express your self for a while your body forgets how to react to certin problems so when you woke up cryinng you probeb;y didnt do it in a while and your body wanted to express some amotions. or you mightve had a bad dream

  14. You seem to be stressed and very exhausted!!  

  15. I have woken up crying a few times and everytime it has been because of the same nightmare.

    I will not go into it, but you may have had a bad dream, started crying in your sleep and woken up with all the feelings residing in you although you may not remember the dream.

    Don't worry about it :)

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