
Why would it be a good idea to build on the moon?

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Why would we ever build space stations etc. on the moon?

Wouldn't comets/asteroids or whatever hit the surface sometimes and destroy our work?

I remember reading about this..





  1. There are many more disasters that can destroy  your house on Earth than could destroy a base on the moon.  Yes, a moon base is risky.  That's part of the reason to do it.  To answer your question though...

    1.  To learn.  We know what happens to people in microgravity (freefall), but what about the moon's gravity

    2.  Practice.  Like someone said, to get ready for a manned Martian trip.

    3.  Space.  There's almost as much land on the moon as their is on Earth (since it's not covered in water).  Humanity needs room to grow, especially since Earth is the one that might get hit by an asteroid.  

  2. I think comets/asteroids hit the moon in the past but I don't think it is a problem now.

    By the way did you here they found evidence of life on the moon in the shape of a white powder ---- or it could have been Pete Docherty has already been there.  LOL

  3. better sight for launching ships, less gravity.

  4. Asteroids aren't so much of a problem. The moon is a huge place... its not as small as some seem to think it is. The asteroid probably wouldn't land exactly on our small lunar station. And if it was coming dangerous close, a rocket could redirect it to land somewhere else. So the asteroids aren't a problem as much as the cost of building it.

    We have to transport all the materials out to the moon, as well as a construction crew. That is going to cost a lot. That's the largest problem.

    But why would we want a lunar base?

    *Atmosphere-less, making it great for observation of the universe.

    *Could be a potential launching site for space vehicles and probes.

    *Could be used as a laboratory for experiments that can't be performed on Earth because of gravity.

  5. The only reason I'd be interested would be to get it over with. Once they've done it they'll f*** it up and we can go back to eating cheese.

  6. I say we should - and then we'll take all these morons who don't believe in the moon landings up there and show them it WAS possible for us to go there with the Apollo missions.  Debunk that!

  7. I hate that idea.We polluted the earth.I don't want us to spoil any other part of the universe anymore.

  8. No, as far as I know, impacts on the moon have all but died out.

  9. It really isn't a good idea to build a base on the moon. The ISS has been a huge waste of time and resources, and a base on the moon would just be another waste of resources. The only possible justification for building a base on the moon would be as practice for building a base on Mars. But then why would we want to build a base on Mars?

    The US should focus on building a better vehicle. We need a better propulsion system. We need to make near earth space travel routine, and economical. The first thing that we need is to be able to get into space effortlessly. Once we can do that, we can go anywhere. We seem to put everything into one major goal, and then we lose interest and stop. We need something that will hold people's interest. We need to make space accessible to the masses. From there the universe is open. It would be like opening up the American frontier, you couldn't stop people from venturing out. But we need a vehicle to get us there. That is what we should be focusing on.

  10. The moon would provide a good intermediate base on our way to explore and colonise other planets and perhaps other solar systems. We could learn about living in low-gravity environment, and the station could be used to resupply spaceships on their way to further corners of the Universe :)

  11. idk.

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