
Why would it be better for me to put my two kids into a public school?

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I really need to know and i need names for babys

Boy and girl




  1. It wouldn't be better.  Take it from experience, you'll be much closer to your children if they are homeschooled.  Sad, but true.

    I love Madeline for a girl and Graham for a boy.

  2. I like the name Noah for a boy and for putting your kids in public school I would not. I am paying for those schools now with de programing my oldest daughter at 14 that Children Services as well said it was ok for her to smoke cigs and weed. And learned to have s*x threw that agency along with finding out the kids where having s*x in the bathrooms of the schools where other parents notified no, the school did not want to bother us they said since our child was not involved. I still think I have the right and what to know what is going on.

    I would look into homeschooling if I where you that is where my children will be going back to next year, because public schools have left morals and values at the door.

  3. It wouldn't.

    And I've always loved the names Elizabeth and Amanda for girls or Zachery, Kyle, or David for a boy.

  4. It all depends in the area you are in. Ours are happens to be one the best in all of US. Here is a good website that will tell whether or not you have a good public school system. - also try looking up the areas test scores that each kid takes every year.

    I like the names: Lexi, Hannah, Abigail, Erin, Samantha and Kayliana for a girl and Noah, Matthew, Nathaniel and Samuel for a boy.

  5. Public school is more realistic when it comes to the real world in my opinion.  Parents won't always be there to watch over children.  It's best that they learn how the real world works.  It's not always nice but kids learn how to cope.

  6. Public School compared to what (home schooled, private school, etc).

    Besides if the kids ain't even born or named yet, don't worry about it.

    You sound a little up-tight to me. Lighten up and try taking life in the proper, born, named, raised, school, etc.

  7. Are you going to be a decent dad? Is your wife (who asked a question not long ago in here) going to be a decent mom? Are you going to be a decent family? Are you willing to do your best as parents? Be willing to learn and provide and make a good home for them? If you are willing to do that for the first 5 years of their lives, why would that stop at that point?

    I think if the two of you are willing to undertake the responsibility, then there's no reason to NOT homeschool.

  8. Well, if your in America like me, the public school system sucks. Good luck.

  9. It wouldn't, if they're anything like the schools in our area.

    For boys...Tyler, Noah, Phillip, Zander

    For girls...Hannah, Meg, Natalie, Hayley


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