
Why would it be dumb for me to vote for Palin?

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I don't know that much about her so how can I know she is the wrong choice? I don't have enought time to figure it out.




  1. if you don't have enough time to figure it out...

    then you should NOT BE VOTING!

    that is what is wrong with America - do some freaking research!

  2. she has spent her political life fighting waste and corruption in government and has been extremely successful at it..she has a 80 percent approval rating as gov. of can anyone be against fighting waste and corruption, that's all most politicians spend their time doing, wasting our money and being corrupt!!! but this one, Sarah, she states right up front that this is not acceptable and will end it...that right there is enough for me to give her a chance..she is the very essence  of change and hope. and she actually speaks specifically of what she intends to change and has a track record of it..

  3. You need to make the time. This is an important decision that can and will affect you, your family, your friends, your whole life! Personally, I think she is GREAT! I've done a little reading up on her. I like the fact that she is a very pretty female-we need a female in office! Also, she has a son with down syndrome, so you know she has alot of strength & patience. She is against abortion and against g*y marriage. I plan to learn more about her...but she definately gets my vote!

  4. Well she doesnt agree with women having the right to make a choice on abortion and wants to overturn roe vs wade... So what if you are raped then you are out of luck...She doesnt agree with a person being able to make choice when it comes to sexual orientation.. She wants to put creationism in schools . She is already the center of a scandal in Alaska because she tried to strong arm someone to fire her brother in law from his job for personal reasons. In her own words she said why would she be the vp she is just a hockey mom..If Sarah Palin doesnt know why she should be vp neither do I.

  5. The reason we have idiots running our country is because of people like you.

  6. no one knew of Obama until he ran for president

  7. it would only be dumb if you didn't research anyone you were voting for

  8. There's a limit to the useful information you can find about Gov. Palin.  She's been governor of Alaska for less than two years and was mayor of a town of 8,500 persons.  If elected, she will be a heartbeat away from the Presidency of a candidate who is now over 72 years old.  I read comments that "she fights waste and corruption."  Great--but what does that mean in her short experience?  She's being investigated for corruption.  She didn't abort a child with Downs Syndrome and she's against g*y unions of any type and supports teaching creationism in the schools.  She's smoked pot, but "didn't like it."  She has been chosen because she's a conservative female and she supports every cause that is important to conservatives.  Her choice is pandering by McCain to the women and should be insulting to you as a female.  It is pandering to the conservatives, which is fine.  However, she's destroyed any argument Senator McCain ever had about lack of Senator Obama's experience.  The reason you don't know much about her is because they is very little to know.

  9. Palin is a breath of fresh air on the political scene. She will do much for the Republican party and the United States in contrast with the smelly f**t running for president on the Democratic ticket.

    She will be a great vice-president.

  10. first off, remember youre voting for a ticket.

    Second, it's only day 2 - get to know her. You have over two months to learn & come to a decision.

  11. Her "experience" in the executive branch is 20 months governing a population the size of the city of El Paso, It is the biggest welfare state in the nation, receiving $2 in federal funding for every $1 they contribute. This is not a ringing endorsement of executive experience

  12. McCain/Palin ticket favors staying in iraq permanently.  Don't vote for that.

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