
Why would my arms look flabbier since starting work out?

by  |  earlier

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maybe i never really noticed how flabby my arms were, but i'm in my ysecond week of intensive aerobic and pump work outs and it seems my underarms are flabbier..... is there something going on inside that i should know about? I also am fllowing a low fat, calorie controlled diet.

Any ideas thanks....




  1. Working out produces lactic acid if you overdo it. Lactic acid forcibly relaxes the muscles, so they will look smaller.

    Try to make sure that your muscles are never deficient of oxygen, this will help against the lactic acid (which will mean that your muscles recover faster) and also will provide faster gains in the muscle growth.

  2. Maybe u lost some fat but ur skin hasnt shrunk so where before there were some fat now there isnt so ur skin may look flabier

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