
Why would my arms look flabbier since starting work out??

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maybe i never really noticed how flabby my arms were, but i'm in my ysecond week of intensive aerobic and pump work outs and it seems my underarms are flabbier..... is there something going on inside that i should know about? I also am fllowing a low fat, calorie controlled diet.




  1. I strongly suspect you have answered your own question.

    When I set about working on my arms, I noticed my near-man b*****s.

    When I worked on my chest, I noticed my stomach etc etc.

    Diamonds look nice; they look even better when placed alongside a t**d, if you get my meaning there.

  2. if you watch olympic swimmers they have 3-5% body fat.  al it is is loose tricep muscles

  3. It so early in your aerobic training that its not likely to see a big physical difference so don't be upset in the slightest!!! It will take a lot longer than that unfortunately, and you're probably right and you just haven't noticed before. There IS some muscle building up inside there you just have to keep working longer to really SEE the difference. Even if it is 90% muscle and 10% fat, the fat will still pull it down making it look flabbier so perhaps that's the problem as well. Just keep up those exercises and you will see a difference. It will take time!

    Good luck! Hope this helps!



  4. Its actually because you have burned off all the fat on your arms and because the fat was stretching your skin now that you have lost it your arms would be stretched. Do fix it you have to do a lot of toning exercises especially on your arms.. Pilates is good for that. You can also try these websites and they show you how to tone the arms:

    and maybe ask your aerobics teacher what kind of exercises to do to tone the arms, and if your losing a lot of weight you might see this kind of result in other places besides the arms getting more flabbier.

    How long and when do you go aerobics in a week? I would really like to know since Im researching up the success of aerobics in losing weight.  

  5. I think that maybe you are doing too much CV work. Do some toning exercises too and they should get better.

    Good luck x

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