
Why would my college coach be needing 5 or six middle blockers???

by Guest63565  |  earlier

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15 or 16 on our team...D2




  1. It is because they are the most versatile players on the court usually.  Great middles are fast and so they are easier to train in other positions such as outside and opposite.  With faster players on the outsides, it will make your team more dynamic with quicker plays on offense and of course a bigger block on defense.

  2. Competition or fear of injury would be my first choices.  With that number of middles, you will have to work hard to get on the court.  Maybe your coach has had problems with injuries to middles in the past and want to make sure your team can make it through the season.

    With 15 or 16 on the team, it would be about normal to have 1/3 of the team as middles.  1/3 of the team as outsides if you use a 6-2.   And 1/3 of the team as setters, Liberos, and DS.  

    With some extra middle hitters, your coach will also have versatility.  If you are running a 6-2, you can put a middle hitter in to play opposite.  And block their outside hitter.

  3. I'm a college middle blocker (smallest MB) but I'm the starter and i play huge minutes going from start to end. My coach, decided to jock up 7 big guys for MB and his purpose was, that for the team to run around me and become the smallest MB playing all positions. Little did I know that he wants versatility in all of us.

    Get it? Imagine all of us playing multiple positions in one rally. All three spikers can play Outside, opposite and middle.

    Healthy competition must be welcomed if winning is your goal.

    just last night, I decided to step down to 2nd six rotation to give my time for three players. Guess what, we the 2nd stringers beaten the 1st team 25-12, 25-19, 25-18...

    I can sacrifice for them to improve than take my time without future help. They'll be a big help for me in the coming seasons..

  4. If your coach plans on running a 6-2 with 1 or 2 smaller setters, he/she may want to use the extra middle bockers as right sides/opposites.

  5. If you can be a middle blocker, odds are you block from anywhere on the front of the court.  It also depends on what style of offensive you will be running, and the strength of your lebarro.

  6. So they can switch in and out.

  7. Thats stupid...I play middle too. Um..he probably wants the team to be deep in talent, but you will have to work hard for playing time

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