
Why would my computer keep crashing?

by  |  earlier

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Windows xp, with norton 360 anti virus!!





  1. I had the same problem with my computer that's all you got to do is make sure you havent got too many icons on the internet explorer bar.I had loads up there and i took them away and my computer stopped crashing. If that doesnt work go to a local computer shop and ask them they should help you !!!!!

  2. Maybe your computer is overheating.

    If it is overheating then you need to kinda fan it on the inside.

    I don't know how to explain but you need to consult a computerist.  

  3. You probably have a virus. They do get by the Norton program. Try AVG 8 the free version and run it at least two times from and see if it still crashes if it does try windows antivirus and see if it helps.  

  4. It may be overheating, or a device may be failing.

  5. because of p**n sites

  6. hardware conflict... either your nVidia usually or Realtek audio have wrong or doubled up drivers as windows prefers it's own.

  7. maybe because you have a virus

  8. maybe the harddrive just needs to be replaced. with my old one I had the same problem and the hard drive just completely fried so I had to get a new one

  9. Your computer could be riddled with viruses.

  10. mine dus dome times youve ether got to MUCH on it or you use it all the time and give it no brake so it overheats :)

  11. Dont drive your computer whilst drinking.

  12. It could be a virus it normally tends to slow the computer down aswell download norton its does the job (y)

  13. I think mine does the same thing. Watch it carefully. Chances are, like me, you're afflcited with Blue Screen of Death.

  14. Probably a virus. I had a computer with norton anti virus and it still crashed because of a virus. try taking it in to the place where you bought  it and see if anybody there can figure out whats wrong.

  15. Could be a virus. Run a FULL SYSTEM scan with Norton.

    or do a system restore. Did you download something recently? If yes System Restore is the answer.

    Good Luck.

  16. There isn't enough information here to give you a good answer. Define crashing.  Under what circumstances does this occur?

  17. Do you have limwire? If so, there's your reason. Limewire gets songs from other people, and they come with viruses. If you have it, you'll have to bring you computer in to get wiped, then don't plug in any music devices that have any limewire songs on them.

  18. what did you do right before it crashed? you could have a virus or it could be just a problem with your computer. if it does that again or does'nt come back on  take it to a shop or call tech support if it is still under warranty

  19. Could it still be a virus?  Are there any error messages coming up?  I run AVG and it picked up alot of things that the previous anti-virus programme did not.  Good luck!

  20. Maybe you have to many cookies internet files saved to your computer. try clearing it out and it will not crash as much.

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