
Why would my dad do this to me??

by  |  earlier

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well in oct. my dad is getting married. im a mormon and so is my grandma. i have been going to church all my life and it is the most important thing to me. my dad never goes to church and his future wife doesnt either. about a month ago... all of us planned a day for them to go. that was today. they promised and swore they would come no matter what. i even offered the church to have me give a youth talk to the whole church on family and how grateful i am to have them in my life. they weren't even there. he said his work change his hours and he had to get a couple hours sleep instead. and his wife could have gone, she had the day off. they realized they didnt want to go, so they didnt. my grandma and i are very upset. and they know that it would have ment the world to us. they didnt even care. why would they do this to us??




  1. You know, life is sometimes a bit unfair. I know you are hurt. But you should have faith on them. Pray for them one day they will come around.....

  2. Well sweetie some people don't find church interesting even if you do.  To me your father should take part in what interests you, but unfortunately we can't make people, not even our own family do what we would like them to do. And you might not every know why they did what they did. All you can do is pray for your father and step-mother that God comes to them and opens their hearts. Pray is a very powerful tool that was taught to us, so use it to help you through this tough time.  I know your upset, and u have every right to be, but don't let this stop you or your grandma believing in what Christ taught us.  Forgiveness.  Good luck and God Bless.

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