
Why would my heater only blow out hot air?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 2002 Ford Fiesta, one problem, my heater will only blow out hot air, not cold, even if I set it to cold.

Any ideas? Expensive??

Thanks to all that answer :)




  1. the heater valve at the back of the engine bay is the most probable cause...This is an electro/mechanical valve easy to replace.

  2. It is the heater valve

    Parts cost £50.00 approx

    Fittling costs £70.00 approx

    That help?

  3. stuck doors in heating and air conditioning system

    also would you people quit calling it freon  its r134a refrigerant or in older cars r12    

  4. manufacturing fault get it replaced (the heater)  if u have warranty its for free otherwise about £100 or open the fan up and mess with it and if it doesnt get fixed get it repaired

  5. cos the vent is probably blocked... so the warm air of the engine is passing throught, but not the cold 1 coming form the outside... so the lil vent that switches form one side to the other has a problem moving to the left or to the right... i think =)

  6. Because if it blew out cold air it wouldn't be called a heater!!

    The answer to your question is probably that it's broken and the switch that controls where the air is sucked in from is stuck on sucking it in from over the engine, causing it to heat up.. Otherwise, if you have is on when the ambient temperature is hot, unless you have A/C, the coldest it can get to is the temperature of the outside air!

  7. there are little doors that open/close to move heat and cool   its stuck...10 dollars to 100.....unless ur AC itself is dead...

  8. sounds like the heater matrix, i had this problem on my ford puma, the part was cheap enough but fitting cost the most as they have to remove the dash etc.....

    Hope this helps!

  9. maybe its the freon

  10. Next time use the words 'air-conditioner' because 'heaters' ONLY blow hot air. Anyways, I don't know. It's probably broken.

  11. sounds like time for a new heater core.

  12. the flap inside the heater matrix is stuck. it could be a link wire or cable, or it could be proper stuck.

  13. There is a switch that controls the air flow flap allowing it to have air that passes through the heater core or air conditioning. If you are lucky it is cause by a loose or disconnected control cable. Half hour labour charge.

    If fiesta is anything like the 2003 windstar it is most likely a little plastic gear wheel that has broken it controls the opening and closing of the heater / air conditioner blending door. The part is moderate in price, Can not remember exact amount although I would guess under $50.oo Canadian. ( If it is any more then that check the auto wreckers for price.)

    The sad part is that the labour will most likely be more expensive than the part approximately twice to three times as much:(

    However this is a part that paying the dealer auto repair shop might be more practical in the long run as many control components are exposed when accessing the controls. If they mess up the radio or anything else in the area of the controls they will have to repair it and who better should know their way around. Unless you know a very meticulous jobber or mechanic. NO BUTTER KNIFE CHARLIE's PLEASE!

    Good luck, Hope this helps.

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