
Why would my ovulation test say positive in just 3 days!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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So, I started my period the 19th of July and it weirdly ended only 2 days later the 21st, then I started my ovulation test the day after the 22nd like it says to do, and today 3 days later my ovulation test says I am ovulating....what the hec? That can't be right. I am wondering of this is because I could possibly already be pregnant....cause a 2 day period is weird.




  1. first of all was your 2 day period lighter than usual?Was it pink and brown?It could have been implantation bleeding

    and if you go to you will see some pos.ovualtion test when they were actually pregnant you never know you just might already be wait 2 weeks and take an hpt

    baby dust is flying your way!!!

    please send me some!

  2. Some one answered on another pregnancy question how you could have 1 or 2 light periods in early pregnancy. Like right when you get pregnant. I know you are trying to conceive I would have a stock of pregnancy tests lol. Take one really quick and get to baby making!!

  3. Hmmm the same thing is happening to me. I had a 2 day period this month too. I am curious to find out....

  4. You canovulate ANY time of the month. Its just 'average' to do so two weeks after your period starts!

  5. Well, OPK's can detect HCG but it takes a higher amount then a pregnancy test would (So if an OPK can detect it, a preg test would have to as well). My advice would be to go buy a pregnancy test, if it's positive, you're pregnant, if not, then you could be ovulating. Good luck.

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