
Why would my pump just stop working

by  |  earlier

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it is less than 3 years old. It is a submersable pump in the passure well house. It was working fine that morning but that afternoon it flow for a bout a minute then just stopped.

I checked all the hydrantes (nothing). I checked all the fuses in the well house/barn/shed/garage & house. No bad fuses.

I just had theis pump installed 3 years ago and of course there is no warrenty now.

Thank you,





  1. ken....pumps just quit,break,bust,disintegrate,go phooey, and there's many more reasons and it all adds up to be....your pumps broke...your warranty's over, so you better get in your auto, and head on down to the nearest pump store, and buy a new one....sorry but that's life...well.... that's life if your pump... quits,breaks,busts,disintegrates etc.

  2. It may have sucked something into the intake and jammed the impeller.  Time to shut the power off and have someone help you pull the pump.

  3. Sounds like the propeller shaft went. Three years is about normal for a water pump with normal wear and tear. I imagine the warranty was only good for about six months.

  4. because it is broke. but i bet if you buy a new one or take it to a fixer person then it will work again.

  5. pull the pump out and se if ther is water down the well.

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