
Why would my stepson always bend over in front of his dad?

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My stepson has been doing this from the day I met him he seems to bend over right in front of his dad. I met him when he was 7 years old and he acted like a girl wearing towels on his head and prancing around and to this day he still acts this way. Also when his dad is around he lays down in fetal position and sticks out his butt really far.

Is there something wrong with this kid he is going 12 years old. Still likes girl things and what not. Still has female nature about him too. My main concern is the bending over in front of dad showing his *** off. My husbands doesn't realize it or shines it on. I'm very aware of it.




  1. It sounds like a behaviour which your stepson has learned from somewhere, perhaps either from pornography or abuse. I would really be concerned and I would be trying to find out if he has been abused.

    I would talk to the boy and also to his father to try to get to the bottom of it. Ask the boy where he learned to do that, and ask him what kind of 'games' he plays/ has played with his father. Often a boy who has been sexually abused by a male can act feminine and have 'g*y' characteristics about them, just because of the abuse that they have suffered.

    Also, showing children pornography is classed as sexual abuse and would be punishable if reported to child protection authorities.

  2. Give him a good SMACK upside his head and tell him to knock it off!

  3. Is he laughing and giggling and trying to do this because he knows it pisses you off when he does it, by any chance? If not, then it's really about time you talk to the father. If he's just doing it to get on your nerves (kids LOVE to push buttons!) then be like, "When I see butts in my face, I kick them" and DO IT the next time he goes and sticks his butt out. My son went through this weird phase of pulling his drawers down in public situations, so I just straight up told him that if I see bare butts, I smack them. After I showed him I meant it a couple times, he never did it again. Then again, he was only about 3, so a 12-year-old needs a different punishment. Kick him or like that other lady said, just give him a good shove with your foot.

  4. that's so strange. i agree with the person who said to kick him in the butt. he probably did it once and saw how uncomfortable it made everyone, so he decided to keep doing it because people's reactions to his butt is funny

  5. Does you husband look at girly mags/movies things like that that he may have seen? It sounds like a cry for attention started it but it seems really out of control now.He shouldn't be showing his dad his stuff, I would definitely try to get him in counseling. None of that sounds like typical 12 year old behavior.

  6. That seriously feked up.

    If father hasnt had a quiet word between men to stop it, then I suspect father has encouraged it in some way.

  7. I bet if your husband sticks his foot out and gives the kid a kick in the rear, that'll break him up.

    I'm serious, not hard enough to fling him across the room, just a "get your *** out of my face" solid "boom". You know, this kid freudian issues.

    And he may be g*y too. Just from the prancing aroundness. That's something you may have to deal with, he has been doing that all his life. There's nothing you can do about that, but you can stop him from putting his *** out there, that is rude, and uncomfortable for others and he needs to be more respectful than that.

  8. i agree with what you mum said... it is a bit fishy.  And just wonder ur hubby every sexual relationship with your stepson before?  Have you ever talked with his ex?  Why she left him becuz of discoverying kinky stuff he made or other else.  Also you could beating around bush by talking to your stepson whether there is a really such kind things happening on him.

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