
Why would my teachers aide tell my teacher i have a crush on him? now im embarrassed and hes probably gonna

by  |  earlier

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avoid me at all costs. i know nothin can happen dont worry im just REALLY embarrassed




  1. man,whats wrong with your teacher's aide? they shouldnt be doing that kind of things. and i agree with the girls above me

  2. I agree with what the others said. I know to you it seems like a huge deal but trust me in a few years you will look back at this and laugh. However the teachers aide is really unprofessional. It is childish for someone in an authority possision to get mixed up in the drama of a students crushes.  

  3. well did you tell your teachers aide that you like your teacher....but are you sure it was him/her who told him that you liked him ... i don't think you should worry he wont avoid you because he knows its normal just act as if everything is the same don't take it to seriously besides he probably doesn't believe what your teacher said so just ignore it and try not to feel embarrass about it its just a crush.

  4. wow that sux

    just laugh it off and when the teacher walks by tell ur friend lyk

    omg i can believe the teacher aid said that i totally dont have a crush on the teacher  

  5. How did your teacher's aid find out? If you told them, then the person is being a jerk.

    Hopefully, your teacher is cool and won't worry about it. Lots of students get crushes on their teachers. I had a few in high school and college. I think everyone does. But don't act on it, especially if you're a minor.

    If your teacher does avoid you or react in some way, try not to take it personally. It's more than just an emotional issue for him. A relationship with a student would get him fired so he may feel it's important to spell out boundaries or even make some distance between you two as a precaution.

    Most likely, you won't hear anything about it. It's just a crush, no big deal. And you can't help it so try not to feel embarrassed. It really does happen all the time.

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