
Why would nasa by founded by the government?

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if no aliens where real or at least the fact that their was some proof that intelligent aliens were real. Then why would nasa be founded by the government not saying i completely am saying it is real. This also lead me to believe one of the reasons why we study the solar system and why the goverment is funding it




  1. Because no one else could afford it.  Seriously, though, the space race with the Soviet Union started in the 1950's.  The Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first satellite, in 1957.  The US felt that we couldn't let the Soviets have control of space, so we launched one in 1958.

    "Since its inception in 1958, NASA has accomplished many great scientific and technological feats in air and space. NASA technology also has been adapted for many nonaerospace uses by the private sector. NASA remains a leading force in scientific research and in stimulating public interest in aerospace exploration, as well as science and technology in general.

    "For over a decade, the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in a heated competition—the space race. The space race began in 1957 when the Soviet Union launched the first artificial satellite, Sputnik. The Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev and the American presidents Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon all agreed that conquering outer space was very important. Both countries wanted to win—to prove their scientific superiority and to show their military strength.

    Soviet Premier Khrushchev wanted to show that communist technology was superior. President Kennedy wanted to beat the Soviets to the moon. Speaking about the prospect of sending astronauts to the moon in 1961, Kennedy said, "No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space. And none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish."

    "By reaching the moon first, the United States won the space race. Soviet and U.S. leaders knew that being the first country to land on the moon would be an extremely important media event. The world watched each country’s progress with great interest. Scientists and government leaders in both countries were under intense pressure to meet tough deadlines."

  2. Think more like extradimensional beings or what some call "The Fallen":

  3. NASA was formed in 1958 to send men into earth orbit.  Nothing more. Nothing less. It didn't become a race to the moon until after Kennedy gave his speech issuing the challenge before a special joint session of Congress on May 25, 1961. In the late 1950's, we found out that the Soviets were working on sending satellites into orbit.  That gave them a huge military advantage.  We needed to do something and do something quick to keep us from being attacked and taken over by the Soviets.  Spy planes were relatively successful at gathering data, but those had to be manned.  Technology was catching up to the spy plane game.  We were constantly shooting down Soviet spy planes and they were doing the same to ours.  We needed an eye in the sky and satellites were the safest and cheapest way of achieving that goal. And they cold spy without getting shot down. Also, we needed a quicker method to transport bombs to foreign enemies. In 1944, the Germans used rockets to send bombs where their planes could not go. When the war ended, the United States and the Soviets were in a race to capture the scientists who designed those rockets.  That's what led directly to the space race. It had absolutely nothing to do with searching for aliens or anything like that.  We look for aliens with the many radio telescopes we have here on earth.  We don't have to spend billions of dollars on something we can do for a few thousand.

  4. NASA is funded by the government because it is a federal agency.

    When Sputnik was launched by the Soviets the US government went into an uproar. DARPA (Defense Research Projects Agency) and a non-military space agency were put into the works by Dwight E. Eisenhower. On the 31st of January of 1959 Explorer 1 was launched (US's first satellite) and of July 29th of that year NASA was created. NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics) was the US's old research program and was integrated into the new NASA.  Helped along by the german scientist Wernher von Braun who worked on the n**i Germany rocket program NASA began to catch up with the soviets in rocket technology. NASA finally began to overtake the Soviet program during the Apollo years and it became apparent that the US would be the first to land a man on the moon. On July 20th 1969, nearly exactly 10 years after NASA formation, Neil Armstrong became the first man to step foot on the Moon. Five more Apollo missions followed.

    The missile technology developed by NASA helped give the US more than just national pride, it also provided the US with a superior missile program to the Soviets. The US could launch ICBMs at the Soviet cities from US borders while the Soviets were unable to do the same, which is why they shipped missiles to Cuba flaring up the Cuban Missile Crisis.

    After we had attained the moon funding was cut drastically. NASA never again left low Earth orbit except through probes.

    This does not sound like the story of a cover up of extraterrestrial intelligence. It sounds more to me that the US realized it was technologically lacking in an age where the atom bomb could wipe out the entire US population so they acted swiftly to out pace Soviet technological development and gain the ultimate high ground... space. NASA is still funded today because it gains keeps the US ahead of every other country in technology and promotes a strong population of engineers and scientists needed for todays hypertech world.

  5. Your question is illegible gibberish.  I have no idea what you're asking, except that it has something to do with NASA and aliens.

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