
Why would over 78 high-level politicians endorse an "extremist, racist, anti-American, Muslim terrorist? ?

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Governors (6) , superdelegates (23), senators (21) Repre. (23), former Presidents (2), and others, even Ben & Jerry support Obama. These politicians LOVE America and have served with distinction. They have enormous info. resources and gain nothing by putting their reputations on the line if they believed the lies (Go to "")? For a list of some specific political supporters, see "Barack Obama Supporters" on the web.




  1. you should get your facts right before even posting this question

  2. Maybe you should provide links and sources with some credibility before you post this junk.  Here is something I would like for everyone here at Y!A to remember:

    1.)  Gossip - This is considered "intellectual chewing gum" in common parlance, gossip refers to idle or apparently trivial conversation about the private, personal qualities or behaviors of others (Kimmel, 2004).

    2.)  Rumor - Is a proposition for belief of topical reference disseminated without official verification (Kimmel, 2004).

    3.)  News - Is similiar to rumor but is distinquished on the basis of the presence or absence of secure standards of evidence (Kimmel, 2004).

    Apparently from this information, we can see that your question and information is gossip.  Try checking your facts the next time.


    Kimmel, A. J. (2004).  Rumors and Rumor Control:  A Manager's Guide to Understanding and Combating Rumors

  3. Well he's not the racist, extremist, anti american you are talking about.  When you make comments like that it means you don't like what you see when there is a mirror present!

    Ask an intelligent non closet racist question before you ask for intellectual answers!!

  4. In History, there have been many who endorsed HORRIBLE LEADERS who promise CHANGE.  How did so many other Countries innocently allow dictators/megalomaniacs control their countries?

    Do you think they were stupid?

    For example:

    Neville Chamberlain

    A staunch isolationist, Joseph Kennedy, Ambassador to Britain, argued for the appeasement of Hitler and wanted the United States to stay out of any conflict that might occur between Britain and Germany.

  5. Because at this time The Present President along with the entire Government has been bought and paid for by Big Business and its Lobbyist.. They have sold America out to the highest bidder.. And have used and abused working America to the point where the country is almost bankrupt,broken,and to the point it may not even ever be repairable !!The alternative is More of the Same with McCain..The country has a 450billion dollar budget deficit as of Oct 1 2008,,450 Billion dollar War debt(unpaid owned by the Chinese with our Debt Bonds)which is growing by 10 a month..47 million American with NO health insurance,,Our Infrastructure is decaying  with bridges and levies in dire need of replacement!! 12 million ILLEGALS which this current govt. and McCain wants to legalize!! And Social Security and Medicare in danger of collapse by 2032..This Govt. Answer "Privatize"!  (This done in England,,those who participated,,are now destitute!)And finally,,the Rich in America with Big Business are Filthy Rich,,and the American working people's wages are $ 2200.00 less today with higher fuel and food prices,than in 2001.. All in all,, these MIGHT be the reasons that a CHANGE is not just needed but MANDATORY for America to continue !!!   L    H

  6. They wouldn't you are 100% on target. It will be interesting to see what your responses are.

  7. Simply because Obama is none of the above.. This c**p was started by a very desperate republican party who is known for fabricating c**p to get elected.. Thats the plain and simple truth..  I'm sorry to say this but the Republican party is an embarrassment to America.. These people will stop at nothing to get control of the Government and the people of the USA and don't care one little bit about the truth.  It is proven by right here by all the fabricated negitives that you hear on a daily basis.. Either people are that hateful or they are just plain ignorant but either way it's an embarrassment..

    If you are looking for links that support such foolishness simply go to ....   they are great at fabricationg BS and only giving partial statements also they are great at twisting meanings and taking statements out of context..

  8. Reading some of the answers to your question, it appears that  number of the responders are lacking in comprehension skills. Your question is pro Obams, not anti.  That's why you put the quotation marks around the words "extremist, racist, anti-American, Muslim terrorist"

    Although I disagree with your choice for President, I do understand the point you're trying to make. However, I believe these politicians' and super delegates' support of Obama further proves the continuing shift to the left of the Democrat party.

  9. Republicans have really sunk to a new low in this campaign (just when you thought that wasn't possible.)

    Problem is, the public is so mad now that there will be an overwhelmingly Democract congress (there isn't now) in addition to a Democrat President, and then you have really handed the keys of the crazy house over to the inmates.

  10. You darn well know the would not do that

  11. What kind of newspapers have you been reading? Obama is a good man. An honest man. Look at McCain. Another fine man. Both will do their best if elected. Of course Sarah Palin will have to deal with her unmarried pregnant daughter who is 17.  

  12. I think he has over 2000 high profile supporters, many of them high level politicians.  

  13. Holy Mother Bunnies.  You say high-level politicians as if that's a good thing and politicians are somehow something special.  After all of the scum sucking things that politicians on both sides of the fence have done in the past couple of decades, it's time to stop admiring these people.

  14. Because he isn't.

    I guess that it was up to you to provide links or sources with such claims.

  15. Intelligent, thoughtful, and reasoned answers for an unfounded, deceitful, and racist question?  I don't think that's possible other than to say you're wrong, racist, and deceitful.

  16. My answer is: because they have a clue what those words you used to describe Obama  actually mean, and most or all of them don't actually describe Obama.

  17. Because he's the right person for the job!

  18. Because Mcain is the other guy.

  19. they are lemmings

  20. This is why America is a lost cause...because of people like you who believe everything the republicans tell you without question. The more elections that I watch the more convinced I am that americans should not be allowed to vote. they are way too stupid for a democracy....

  21. Money talks. And apparently the influence buyout is not limited to superdelegates.^

    "By March 28, 2008, Hope Fund donated $710,900 to superdelegates, more than three times as much as Hillpac. ($236,100). A study by the Center for Responsive Politics showed that presidential candidates who gave more money to a superdelegate received their endorsement 82% of the time. This is especially disturbing when the superdelegates endorse a candidate that is decidedly contrary to the will of the voters in their state and their districts."

  22. Now why would you post something like this. Why can't this Campaign be about the issues and not about what you or someone else thinks one of these guys did or didn't do. I want to hear how they are going to change the world. Not what awful people you seem to think either side is.

  23. How do you know what you know?

    How did you come to this conclusion?

    How much TV do you watch -- Can one live in a democracy where propaganda governs people's common sense?

  24. I completely fail to believe he is an "extremist, racist, anti-American, Muslim terrorist" I too love the US and I exhort you to spend some quality time delving into that yourself to make a reasoned decision on your own.  Do some research before you believe the rant.

    It just doesn't stand to reason that all these people would be duped by such a man if such outrageous things were true, does it?

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