
Why would parents have children only to stick them in a pathetic daycare???

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dont they understand daycare sucks.. all daycares. nothing good comes from being in a daycare. social skills should be taught by the family not someone elses kids, for those of you who say kids need the social skills.




  1. I didn't take my child to daycare until I started working at one. I wasn't too happy about my child being around all these children, but honestly, she's probally learned a lot more from them, *like how to walk earlier, how to talk better, and how to play with others* things that I would have struggled with... but being around children her age and little older did her a world of wonder. I'm really sad be leaving the daycare and my daughter will not be attending anymore, but I can see why parents would have to take their children to daycare. some families don't have the family resorces others do. For instance, my sister HAD to go to daycare because my mom was at work and me and my sister were at school.  We dont have any family that lives in the same town as us, they live 30 miles away, so having my g-parents coming down every day to watch my sister, was out of the question. I'm sorry that you don't like daycares, but a lot of people NEED them, and a lot of people actually enjoy having their children around kids their own age to play with and learn things from.

  2. Maybe you havent noticed the price of FOOD, GAS, RENT, MORTGAGES, SHOOT ANYTHING THESE DAYS. People have to work to feed and clothe there children... What I suggest you do is get off yahoo answers and get a job yourself, alright?

  3. Not all daycares suck, and not everyone can stay home with their kids. It is not for you to judge how someone lives their lives and chooses to have kids. Nowadays, most households need two incomes to survive, especially with gas prices rising like they are.

    I am now a stay at home mother. We chose to move out of the US so that my husband can make more than what we made living there. But when I did I work and had my child in daycare, I was lucky enough to have one at my place of work. I was able to go spend time with my daughter and feed her. The caregivers were wonderful and it is always good for children to interact with other children, not just their parents.

  4. You really are clueless, huh?

  5. Well I am lucky enough to stay at home with my one year old and soon to be newborn. My son is 4 and goes to preschool, and I don't think that is a bad thing. I believe that children need to be around other kids at a certain age for social skills and more interaction.  It's kind of ignorant to think that parents "stick" their kids into daycare. In the real world, there are bills to pay and people have to provide for their families.

  6. Some parents have no choice...take single mother's, for instance.  Not every single mother has a family member who is able to take care of their child during the day.  Plus, I would generally say that most single mother's didn't necessarily plan their pregnancies.  I admire them for keeping their children and working hard to support them.  To me you sound a bit judgmental...not ALL daycare situations are bad.  There are actually good day care centers.

  7. Uh wow. Do you not have kids? I'm assuming not. If you did, you would understand how difficult it is to pay the rent and provide for your children without working. And my son is an only child. I could sit there all day and teach him to share, but sharing with your mother and sharing with a little boy the same age as him who wants to play with the same ball are two totally seperate mindsets. The reason it's important to send your children into a social environment with kids their age is because their parents, their family, wont be following them around their entire lives. But growing up, they WILL always be in a school setting with other children.

    I dont rely on my son's preschool to give him an education. I taught him how to tie his shoes, I'm teaching him how to read, I taught him it's not okay to identify people by their skin colors (even though being in a very culturally diverse school has obviously taught him to do that), I taught him empathy and compassion, I've taught him tons more things that any parent who WANTS their children to know will teach their children.

    'Daycare' and Preschool are important and helpful. Don't knock 'em.

    Don't you dare come on to this forum and judge something or a group of people you dont understand. You want to change the world? Do it in an area you're an expert in, Low self-esteem.

  8. I also do not understand why a working couple has children only to dump them off in daycare when they are 6wks old. This makes me VERY angry!!!!! I am a SAHM of a two year old daughter who has never been to daycare. She is very advanced for her age. I teacher her everyday. Kids need their mother. If you are going to have kids, take some responsibility and raise them! I think it is very lazy of a "parent" to let daycare raise them.  The only exception is the single mom.

  9. Amen!

  10. some parents don't have a choice because they have to work. If we all could afford to have one parent stay home then we probably would. and what about single parents they don't have two adults at home so they don't have a choice either.

  11. You’re just one of those Yahoo posters looking for love aren’t you?

    I put my son in daycare because I have no other choice. I work because I’m not the type to sit home and collect from the government. I work because I was raised that if I want to get somewhere in life, I need to have good work ethic, good morals and values, and WORK my way up. And I take pride in that. I’m teaching my son how to be a man and showing him that we work to put food on the table. We work to give him the fun things he wants in life. We work because money doesn’t grow on trees….or haven’t you figured that out yet?

    Searching for a daycare is like looking for a full time job. You have to meet these people, ask lots of questions, and watch your child interact at that facility with the teachers. I have found a great daycare that I am very pleased with. My son is dropped off with a huge smile and I pick him up covered in dirt, head to toe, with a big welcome hug and kiss. I do not feel guilty for putting my son in daycare. I am not blessed in the finance department where I can choose a top of the line daycare and I am not blessed enough where I can stay home and choose to never work again. Some people are, and more power to them…

    You may want to avoid being so quick to judge. But hey, the way you spit out comments, why does it matter if I have your support or not?? I’m still a d**n good mother that does what she needs (without government assistance) and I don’t need you or anyone to weigh in on that.

    But thanks for your lovely opinion.

    ** ADD **

    Wow….some people are REALLY f**king naïve!

    Do you SEE our economy? Do you see the number of people losing jobs? Do you see the number of people in the unemployment line? The houses being foreclosed on? The gas prices climbing? The grocery bill too?

  12. social skills can not be taught if the parents live in an area that has no other kids around to play with. that's why parents have the kids in day care so they can be around other kids. I stayed home with my daughter until she was almost 18 months then my husband lost his local job and the bills started piling up so we decided to go back to the company we both worked for together. we had to put her in daycare so we could knock the bills out faster.

    I did not pop out two kids just to put them in daycare. It was necessary for our finances. I now stay home with both our kids because there are no daycares in our area and we are stressed each month for the bills.

  13. That is the MOST undeducated thing I have heard a person say. My daughter LOVES daycare..and playing with other kids is the only way to learn to trust other people besides your mommy and daddy. Get a clue.

  14. Because people have to work to support that child.  What alternative would you suggest?  Why would somebody bring a child into the world if they didn't work and couldn't support that child?

  15. I think that is a really rude question. I was lucky to be able to stay home with my kids up until my son was 4 and my daughter 2.5. My husbands income was just making ends meet with nothing extra. We decided it was time for me to go back to work. I love the daycare my kids are in and I know that they are having a blast with all of the interaction with the other kids.

    Daycare is not bad. Some people just don't have a choice. Just because they are in Daycare it doesn't mean that I love them any less or that I do not teach them things at home.

    Good for you if you are lucky enough to stay home!!!

  16. let's see......




    It's because the parents don't have relatives close to them to take care of the child!!!

  17. So i am going to assume you were a kid who did not learn social skills.... how do you think parents care for their children and provide them with things they need? They work.... Just because you THINK daycares are all bad does not mean you are right. Not to mention it is their choice to do what is best for THEIR families... not to go and make you happy.

  18. You're dumb.

    Oh and by the way if you want to start paying me a monthly salary comparable to what i make at my job now, then i would be MORE than happy to stay home with my child and take her out of daycare. But if you aren't going to do that, shut up.

  19. Because some people don't get the big picture.  I am quitting my job sometime before the baby is born.  Right now my hubby and I are paying off bills and getting everything in line so that I can quit.  Finances will be tight.  My children won't be raised with designer clothes and fast food, but they will learn to live within a budget.  I am not sure how, but we will survive on just one income and my hubby does not make a lot.  

    Children need their parents.  I know lots of kids who have never been to a day orphanage (day care) who have much better social skills then day care orphans.  One on one with mom, she can teach things like respect and tolerance, and most mothers I know, have friends with kids the same age as theirs, so they get interaction with other kids.  

    I also know a lot of women who discovered that they were working to pay for the cost of child care.  They were not making enough  to supplement the income, their entire income went to pay for their child care especially if they had more than one child.  In the end they decided it was not worth it and they quit their job.

    I know that there are people- very few people who are in a situation where Mom has to work, and daycare is the only option.  I don't look down on these people.  Most homes with married parents if they really made it a goal, they could make it work.  It would not be easy, but the children and society would be much better off.

  20. The sad truth is that the reason kids are in daycare, is because the parents cannot afford to raise them on a single salary.. not everyone makes as  much money as you or I...

    Reason number 2 is that when children stay home with mom they don't learn interactive social skills .and become introverted... daycare solves that problem, and teaches them to solve their own problems instead of relying on mom....

  21. Well if you want to help support their families so the mother or father can stay home with the children, then I'm sure they'd be happy to not "stick them in a pathetic day care".

    You're ridiculous. Not every family is fortunate enough to be able to have one parent stay home. In today's society it almost always takes BOTH people working to make ends meet.

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