Not too long ago, a girl told me that she used to pick her nose when she was little, which caused her real father to get mad, so he'd slam her against the wall for it. She seems pretty normal now, but she lies a lot. I think this could be a lie. She's very conceited though.
Also, another person told me that when she had to live with these people in a foster home at like the age of 3, 4 or 5 (not quite sure), they'd starve her, and tease her with food. She said something like they'd take a cereal box, ask if she wanted some, she'd say yes, and then they'd tip it over to show it was empty, and then laugh. I remember her saying like they'd just make her sit at the dinner table every night while the rest of them ate. Also, I guess they once made her go naked as the whole family put tooth paste and stuff all over her. This part made me sad when she said that on christmas all the other kids that lived with them got presents, while she had to sit there and got nothing. She turned out shy, with a low self esteem and low self worth, well, from what I can see. She's shy liike me, so I think that's why she felt comfortable telling me all this.
My old best friend was telling me once how her father used to tie her little brother up to a chair and would hit him with a belt, but the mother did nothing about it. He'd also get hit with a wet belt on his bare butt. He turned out to have like ADHD, sort of violent, but he was also considered a 'crack baby'. Whenever he was acting up, his mother would say stuff like, "I'm gonna tell daddy,' and he'd get really frightened, and say, "'t.please!"