
Why would people want the Border Patrol to focus on......?

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illegal immigration over terrorists or weapons of mass destruction? The border patrol has been ordered to focus on immigration over terrorist. Illegal immigration is an issue, but people that are out to kill Americans are way more of a threat. What do you think?

The chief patrol agent believes the Border Patrol's mission has changed.

"When you look at the series of events that have happened over the last five, six years... our mission changed," Manjarrez told AP. "Our primary mission changed from our traditional focus. Our primary mission now is terrorists and weapons of mass destruction. That is what we have to be focused on."

But that can't happen when resources are being deployed primarily against illegal immigrants simply wanting jobs. "We can't focus on that (new mission) as much as we would like because of the other issues we have to deal with," Manjarrez said.




  1. Border patrol is overstressed. Their primary objective should be the border. The other depts of Homeland security should handle the other affairs. Tying Border Patrols hands with raids etc is harming our national security.

  2. well personally I think if we step up border patrols then there is a hbetter chance that we can find more illegal criminals coming from mexico and other parts of latin america

    so maybe a part of focusing on terrorists is border patrol?

  3. Because illegal immigrants pose the biggest threat to our nation.

  4. That is so retarded How Can "stealing your job" be more of a threat than terrorists! How ridiculous. If they want to jobs so much why don't the go to the fields and gets one there's plenty of jobs available!

  5. Illegals are not the biggest threat to the US,terrorist are.You don't see illegal immigrants trying to bomb us or anything,do you!The illegal immigrants come over here to work and support their families( oh,wow,what a big horrible threat that is,lol)  So I don't know what's wrong with the border patrol,I believe they should focus on both,but more so dangerous terrorists rather than somebody trying to "steal" a Americans job!!!.

  6. Because people focus on the molehill instead of the mountain. Personally, I would want all our resources coming down on terrorists - and I can tell you quite frankly that the ones that seem to be causing THOSE problems aren't from Mexico.

  7. The border patrol job is to stop illegal aliens, terrorists and weapons of mass destruction from crossing the borders...secured the borders

    unless the terrorists is wearing a sign saying "i work for Al-Qaida" Border Patrol can't tell the different between illegal immigrants from a terrorists..

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