
Why would pilots be "attached" to MD-80's?

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Is it because its easier to fl or something?




  1. Planes are like cars.  Once you get to know where everything is at it is more natural to use.  The MD-80 has a more "traditional" cockpit layout than the newer jets.  This is not to say that it lacks any instrumentation, but it is layed out differently than the new ones.

    I have a sports car, and I drive it every chance I get.  When we have snow or ice, I drive the wife's CR-V.  I absolutely hate it for the first week of winter because the controls are in a different place, it has more body roll, and it sits higher than my car and it is hard to judge my speed without looking at the speedometer.  The same goes for the pilots.  The know how the plane behaves.

  2. The MD-80s have no computers, limited hydraulics, and low by-pass turbofans that may be old but produce more thrust at higher speeds.  There is almost no plastic parts (composite) on these planes and they are the last of a dying breed of airliners with tail mounted engines.

    I heard on Dogfights that the world's top jet ace, Colonel Giora Epstein of the Israeli Air Force, preferred the old analogue Mirages to the F-16s since there was more 'feel' to the older aircraft.

    I have an old 1980s Volvo that is inferior in every way to my wife's new car.  But it is rear wheel drive, it's comfortable, it's easy to work on, it's huge, and there's no reason to get rid of it since it will probably last another quarter million miles.  Mine has an after-market cup holder.

  3. Probably just like anything else that people get attached to, because it's been around a long time, because they've spent so much time in it, because they're familiar with it.

    I have an old Volvo from the mid 90s, excellent car in great condition.  It has some miles on it but overall it's nice.  The performance sucks, it's not very quiet because of the boxy shape, it gets mediocre mileage, it has a lousy sound system, a rough ride, and it doesn't even have a friggin' cup holder built in.  BUT, I actually prefer driving it because it just feels better to me, than my Lexus.  The Lexus is a nice car, it looks good, has all the features, lots of power, great to cruise on the highway, but I just "connect" more with the Volvo even though it's years past its prime.   It has older versions of the bells and whistles new cars have (traction, seat heaters, etc) and they still work well.

    So I can relate to being attached to something that has been eclipsed by newer, better, more efficient technology.  I appreciate all the newer appointments and features but I have no desire to part with the old one.  I strongly suspect that the same holds true for MD8x series.  Pilots are comfortable in them, and the basic aircraft has been around for a long time (DC9).

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