
Why would republicans question Obama's VP pick?

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Obama and his team beat out some of the most powerful opponents in the primary being really strategic and smart.

So, I would say Obama probably has a pretty good reason for choosing who he did. His opponents just don't usually realize it until it is too late.

What really has McCain done except stumble along representing absolutely nothing while acting clueless?




  1. There is desperation and wholesale panic in the GOP!

    The Obama/Biden ticket has all the elements of a Democratic landslide come November.

    Especially after Hillary and Bill get their supporters behind the nominees at the Convention.

    I see major problems ahead for the Republicans.

  2. Obama won the nomination on promises of change.  Biden has been giving us the same c**p in Washington for 35 years.  That isn't change.

  3. divide and conquer.

  4. Hypocrisy thy name is Obama?

    The lemmings are all nodding in agreement over what a great pick Biden is but can't see that Mr Change and fix a broken Washington picked one of the longest serving Washington insiders there is!  Obama is turning away from every thing he ran on to get the DNC nomination in the name of political expediency.  He is the classic politician - change my mind should be his new mantra.

    Is it scary knowing your assistant is smarter than you?  How soon will people look over Obama to have the more experienced person answer the question.  Mr. "my IQ is higher than yours" is the backseat type of guy.  Obama will have to be extremely careful that he is not overshadowed by the man who has consistently referred to him as inexperienced and needing on the job training.

  5. haven't you noticed? they whine about everything, dammed if he does dammed if he doesn't. its whining non stop period. that's their strategy is just to whine about obama and attack mccain cause the media didn't want to cover the man who went to the grocery store and was covered in apple sauce.

  6. Biden is a gift to the Republican Party.  Obama could not have made a better choice to help the Republicans.

    In 1972 George Wallace was a nominee for President.  He was the presumptive nominee until he was shot in May of 1972.  Even after he was shot he still won the Democratic Primary in states like Michigan.

    McGovern ended up becoming the Democratic candidate.  He chose a Vice Presidential Candidate whose views were similar to his own.

    The elections of 2008 are very similar to those of 1972.

    During the election cycle, in June 1972 I believe, the Democratic Notional Committee offices at the Watergate hotel were broken into by the FBI and listening devices were planted.  This was a scandal during the elections and everyone believed that people in the Republican party were to blame.

    In reality the FBI is the organization that broke into the Watergate and J. Edgar Hoover hated Richard Nixon with a passion.  The idea that Hoover would use the FBI to help Nixon by breaking into the Watergate is asinine.

    Deep throat who helped destroy Nixon was FBI.

    The Watergate scandal was brewing and Nixon still won by the largest landslide ever.

    Today people blame McGovern's VP pick and I am sure that Dems of the future will blame Biden.

    In reality it is the Democrats divisive politics and detachment from the average US citizen that results in their usually losing national presidential elections.

  7. They were set to jump on all three guys, Biden, Bayh, and Kaine before the announcement was even made.  At least Biden, far more than Lieberman or Edwards is willing to come to come out and attack McCain negative for negative.

    Biden was the most vocal detractor of Obama next to Hil-Billy.  By picking Biden, Obama shows he doesn't hold grudges.

  8. They'd question it even if it were Jesus.  Standard practice during elections.

  9. They aren't questioning it, they are fearing it.  I have never seen so much uproar as I have seen in the last 24 hours.  Which tells me, that Obama made the absolute perfect choice.

  10. so let me get this straight,  you think Obama picked a racist running mate on PURPOSE???


  11. i agree with you

    We don't need McCain a good soldier to run this country we need  wise leaders like Obama /Biden 2008

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