
Why would someone Immigrating, LEAVING their OWN country, want to have pride in that country ...?

by Guest66711  |  earlier

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IF you leave your mother country, there must be a REASON. You leave to have a better life many tell us. Why don't they assume the aspects of what it is to be American naming their kids CHAD or something? Learning to speak ENGLISH?

Why do they hang on to their old, tired, broken criminal like ways in the old country instead of learning a new way to live a better life?

Is it bacause they are illegals and just came here to steal and take? I think MOST legal immigrants make this passage, in time gracefully, learning Engklish and looking for ways to become more American. The Illegals I wonder about and continue to wonder why we should accept them here at all? or as potential citizens given the way they act?




  1. So you are proud of what?

  2. Welcome to the club.

  3. lets simplify this

    say u're in your early twenties and you move out of your parents house. you're parents are emberassing, annoying, rude, ect ect ect and you'd be better off my yourself.

    when you move out do you stop admitting those people are your parents? Do you stop using little "family" traits that have defined you over the years?.......NO...moving to a new apartment will NOT CHANGE WHO YOU ARE!! matter how much you're neighbors wish you'd change!

  4. People are proud of the county they are from, not of the corruption that is going on, and that is the reason they left, and came here for a better life. Just because you migrate somewhere else, doesn't mean that you have to forget everything that's in your heart. That is the same reason there is a China Town and Little Italy in Los Angeles, and that's a beautiful thing! but everybody is on the attack towards the Hispanics.

    They come here for a better life, a better job, and a better future. The only illegal act they commit, is living here illegally.

  5. americans cant speak english either, just some inaudible jibberish

  6. Like I said before ~ Americans who immigrate still call themselfs Americans. It's pride of who/what/where you come from. There's nothing wrong in that. As for English ~ Americans don't gotta worry 2 much about immigrating coz most countries require English in the schools. It looks like to me that other countries have deferred to Americans more then given credit for.

  7. first of all, you are generalizing.

    second of all, you don't want illegals here, you don't care if they learn to speak English, name their kid chad or are decent people with no criminal record. so tell me, if there is an illegal immigrant that has done all you said they should do, should they automatically be legalized? no, right because they came here ILLEGALLY  right? so how dare they ask for citizenship now, right? so don't make it seem like you want them here under those conditions when in reality you are just looking for another pathetic reason to seem undeserving and to justify your opinion that they should be deported.

  8. You're making the assumption that people who emigrate from a country to another one do so because their "...old, tired, broken criminal ways..." are no longer what they're seeking.

    Your assumptions are incorrect. My parents immigrated here not because of some brand of social ills prevalent in their home countries but because my father was offered a good job here in Canada. It is the same exact reason for my husband's parents and for a great many others, too.

    It sounds more to me as though you are watching lots of news items that sensationalize and highlight the very worst of the very worst of situations. You might want to consider learning more about immigration patters pre and post arrival before you ask a question like the one you did.

    So, if you were to move to, say, Lebanon, Japan or the Congo you would, of course, abandon your home country's ways, learn Lebanese-Arabic, Japanese or even French-Lingala...right?

  9. Why couldn't one show pride in both countries ?

  10. Well we don't really have a right to say illigal immigrants arn't allowed technically because we weren't here first either, but In a way you do have a good reason. Why do they have such pride in there country if the reson they wanted to get away is because they didn't like there country. Maybe you should interview someone whos a immagrant and get there point of view.

  11. illegals do come to steal and take and not give anything to our country in return. they come here and have lots of children to get free money for food, healthcare, insurance, and dental care. at least learn to speak english if u come here. you can be proud of both countries n ur heritage but if u come here u should at least put the US first, the country that took u in and supports u. they shouldnt be welcomed here for these reasons and the fact that its illegal and regular immigrants pay money and give back n learn english.

  12. Everyone takes pride in their home country. I see Italian, Polish, Mexican, Ethiopian, all kinds of flags around town! They probably had good memories growing up but had to move on to better their life. Whats wrong with that? Everyone that lives in the United States have history in other countries.

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