
Why would someone be embarrassed of their own loving words about someone else?

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Why would someone be embarrassed of their own loving words about someone else?




  1. For fear the words never meant anything to the one who heard/read them. Callous disregard can be a very painful experience.

  2. I have no idea about being embarrassed.

    I only know about being cautious only to use words that mean so much when they are absolutely appropriate.

    Never say I love you if it is not forever. The person you say it to should be able to know that you love them with out end. You can love a person and not be in love with that person. If you go to the extra step of saying I love you  then let it be because this is a person you want to be with from now on.

    That said, the other person may not love you back, at least not to that extent. That can be painful. Perhaps that is the embarrassment you of which you speak. All I can only say is that it happens. It is not caused. It is simply not a match.

  3. Maybe they didn't mean it, or they're afraid that they've made themselves "vulnerable".

    Tell them; Life is too short to play games. If ya don't mean it, don't say it. Champagne? Yes, I mean it. ;-)

  4. They have said it quite well above.

    Rejection and fear and no, they are not the same thing necessarily.

    For one who is not used to expressing their feelings, such words are difficult to say. The fear is that they will come out all wrong, or they will be taken the wrong way.

    And then of course comes the fear about rejection once the words are spoken aloud..or put into print.

    Once spoken, they can never be taken back. And trying to make something so personal out as a 'joke' (Yeah you know I was only kidding, right?) just makes things worse.

  5. I've experienced this in a couple of different ways:

    1)Rejection by the one for whom the words were created.

    2)Having that person show it to someone else who either found my words humorous or was angered by them.

    It was a bit embarrassing in my youth to be rejected or to be misunderstood -I'm much harder to embarrass now.

  6. Rejection

    Sometimes it is not easy to say loving words

    or show them. It really depends on that

    persons experience in the past and

    how that person expresses him/her self.

    Embarrassment is not something we

    choose to deal with but it is their sometimes

    rather we want it or not ~

  7. sometimes it is nice to see the expression of our feeling painted in words.

  8. Because they are fragile...

    They are precious...

    They are raw...

    The words, the moment they were spoken and the emotions they represent...

    Such loving words, are a glimpse of ourselves standing naked...

    Surrendering our Self to another...

    It's always more embarrassing in the nude...

    No matter how good you look...

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