
Why would someone become a vegitarian? Or vegan?

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Just want an opinion,




  1. They are kind and sensitive. Its just natural.

  2. I personally became a vegetarian because I never bought meat at the grocery store when I moved away from home for college.  So, when I visited home, I quickly found out that my body could no longer digest animal proteins correctly.  I'm not vegan, and I flex for fish, but no other "meat".

    I'm not going to lie.  I love a nice steak and don't have problems with killing animals for food.  I just can't digest it.

  3. I don't like eating dead flesh.

  4. Its a matter of opinion as you say. I myself being a vegetarian have chosen to not eat meat. Doesn't it just gross you out that were eating animals? Would you like them to eat you? Don't you feel sick when you think what some of the animals go through to end up on your plates? what have they done to you? it's just not fair in my opinion

  5. Some of use were born that way, like me, and see no reason to change.

  6. I became a vegetarian because I learned that animals are severely mistreated on factory farms. Even at  classy restaurants you don't know where your meat came from. I just can't eat an animal that was abused.

  7. I originally started out - while some are going to thumbs down me for this - because it was the 'cool thing' to do back in the 70's.

    Went back and forth thru the years - more strict while I was living with someone that was not a strong vegetarian for the last almost 3 years.  Figured out that the meds and animal products caused me to - - - - err - - - - toss my cookies and had me - - running to the bathroom more than normal.....

    Lost 50+ pounds before I figured out the problem - now eat totally vegetarian.

    So I did it for medical and personal reasons.  Personally decided that I prefer to take epilepsy meds vs. having seizures - and personally hated 'tossing my cookies' and 'living in the toilet'.

    Some do it for ethical reasons.

    Some do it for religious/moral reasons.

    Some do it because of concern for animals - which for me is a 'moral reason' - but not be for someone else.

    And as one already pointed out - some do it to be 'cool' - really no different than years ago when I first decided to go that direction.

  8. Why would someone eat a rotting corpse of an abused animal?

  9. My opinion is God put animals here so we could eat them eventually. Meats and poultry are required for a balanced diet. Plus you must realize not every country breeds vegitarians, meaning that their lifestyles do not fit the needs of a vegitarian. I advise vegitarians to not visit countries like Argentina, where meat is quite popular.

    Reasons why some people would choose the route to become vegtarian are:

    1. They have been brought up in a vegetarian environment

    2. They feel that slaughtering animals is cruel because it takes away the chance for them to live a full life. (Even though animals can't comprehend that concept.)

    3. They don't like the taste. (Although this reason is highly unlikely because animals are delicious.)

    4. Because they want to follow the crowd.

  10. Why would someone want to chew on dead animal parts?


  11. There are a few different reasons for someone to become vegetarian or vegan.

    1) Ethical/Moral - Some people become vegetarian in order to reduce the suffering of animals that are used for food. The average vegetarian saves about 100 animals per year.

    2) Environmental - Factory farming has a huge impact on the environment, so some people want to reduce their effect on the environment by choosing not to eat meat.

    3) Health - Many leading medical professionals advocate the elimination(or reduction) of meat in ones diet for health reasons. Some studies suggest that a diet free of meat will reduce the risk of some cancers, lower cholesterol, and reduce the risk of heart disease.

    4) Don't like the taste - Some people simply do not like the taste or texture of meat. These people become vegetarian/vegan to to avoid a food they do not like.

    These are the three basic reasons for a person choosing vegetarianism. Some people are vegetarian for one of these reasons, while other for two, or three, etc. The reason all depends on the individual.

  12. I want to help the environment because it waste from the abatoirs pollute streams and too much water is needed to produce meat!

    Also, the animal cruelty involved - disgusting!

    My health - I believe humans were never supposed to eat meat or anything derived from animals.

    Quite simply, I would rather be a compost heap rather than a cemetary.

  13. like me vegetarians disagree with the way they treat animals in slaughter houses

    and vegans disagree with that and the way they treat animals on dairy farms

    and killing animals for there skin or fur

    and other people just do it to be more healthy

  14. I became a vegan, because I do not like the idea that a cow carries her baby for over 9 months. Than after giving birth, her child is taken away so quickly, so humans can have the milk versus the calf. Which later feed very poor lack foods so it can be a tender veal.

    As a woman,(I am 31). When I have my child, I would never want any person, to take away my child. So I can not support a industry that uses that method dominantly. I understand there are farms that do not, but 90% (by tyson, cargrill, smithfield) of beef and dairy cows in this country are raised on intensive farming conditions.

    Money is power. I use my money to support companies that are ethically inlined with my morals. I have a choice. I choose to not support an industry that cause so many cruelties. I also buy from companies that do not employee children in developing countries.


    Go there if you have the guts.

    That's why we are vegetarian.

  16. Some people have problems with animal cruelty and dont like eating something thats been alive, i dont have anything againsed them, but i dont like animals being killed, but i dont mind eating them, either way, there gunna get killed by something, and we need meat to help us have a decent diet.

  17. Watch Earthlings, you will see.

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