
Why would someone care about a washed up OLD rider like me??

by  |  earlier

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well, it's not really a question about me as a question about why people write emails like this when they asked an opinion question. this person asked yahoo answers horse section a question about their skill level(and stated they wanted "opinions"). . . then after i answered with MY honest opinion they got alittle angery and wrote me this email. . . my questions here are:question 1. why ask an opinion question if your not ready to get the answers you may not like?question 2. why email someone you dont like and who you know doesnt give more then 2 cents about the matter?


Subject: Seriously

Message: 1: I bought the horses with my own money, I worked hard and I got 25 cents a chore but in the end I had enough money to buy my horses. All of them were under $3000

2: My parents pay for the keep, but I have to do work around the farm, and things like that and I get no money for any of it, I dont get allowance any more so that is how I get the money. My parents take my chore money.




  1. The thing that has amazed me from the start is how angry people get when someone doesn't share their opinion.   this stuff is annoying as well.  It's taken some getting used to, but I finally have a feel for who the loose cannons are....and many of the young teens have short fuses....but they're young and will outgrow it, or at least I have hope for them.

    I have to say that I'd rather people send their rants via email than post them in the answers section...the recipient has the option of reading it or ignoring it.  I've actually only recieved one email that was a rant....and it was a very polite and short one, so I guess I've been lucky.

    So, when you look at this email and the insults you endured, think of me.....the real deal washed up old rider.....and you'll feel better!

  2. i quit answering those questions because everytime i did they didnt like it that i told them they either look like a sack of potatoes or they need to pull the corncobb out.i am sorry but they wanted the no means you are not washed up and old,an old rancher friend of mine is 78 years old and can still ride and rope rings around some of the younger ones.

  3. Honestly, if you don't care 2 cents about the people you are responding to, then why bother responding?  I just got done reading another answer you gave to someone in a different question and well, it sounded a little abrasive.;...

    I'm new here and I can see where these questins are testing ones patience but I guess we don't have to answer those if it can't be done without insulting even though it might be the truth!!  Just like I am putting my foot in my mouth answering this one but I just finished reading the other one and thought I would give my opinion that you probably don't like and didn't ask for.

    I'm sure I will get a beating for it.  Sorry if I offended you but like you, I speak the way I see something which here can get you in alot of trouble.  I guess it is like walking on egg shells.

    I guess wjhat I am trying to say is that it is not what *you* say sometimes but how *you* say it.

    Also I ran into another of your questions today about halter horses and conformation and how many people know what they are actually talking about.  I think you need to relax and not let this place get to you so personally.


    ok..I found that question and couldn't resist...I had to leave my 2 cents ...what a brat.. lol

  4. When I put up a critique on here I was glad when people gave me their honest opinion. I got loads of answers that were just like: OMG your so good and OMG your horse is so pretty and random non-critiques like that. It was nice to hear that people thought my riding was good and my horse was pretty but that doesnt give me anything to work off of. I think you were one of the two people that critiqued my riding. I like the honesty. I say keep it up and let the nasty children freak out as they please.

    I wish I got hate mail. It would make life more interesting.

    *note to self: be meaner to small annoying children*

  5. My answer to that is if your not going to like the answer   DON"T ask the question.  Everyone is entitled to an opinion, that doesn't mean that any one has to like or agree with it. Seriously though, no one should feel washed up at any age let alone 22.

  6. Well, it's all a little confusing....maybe if I found the original post I'd understand better.  But it's actually a pretty common occurrence here in the horse section, for a teenager to email someone angry letters....just block her from your contacts, and that lil' red dot will help you feel better.



    I found the original post, had my own opinion to share as well, and red dotted her so I don't get the same email.  I have to agree with you:  why ask for opinions and then get mad???

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