
Why would someone delete my Kumbaya question?

by  |  earlier

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It was simply, "Shall we all join in a chorus of Kumbaya?"

Considering the context of what was going on here at this forum -- people trying to clear up some of the ugliness that's occurred -- it was meant to lighten things up and to try to call for peace.

It wasn't hurting anyone, so I don't see why someone felt the need to do this. Perhaps the person who reported it would be willing to explain why s/he did so.




  1. Some people want to rain on the parade.

  2. Sorry to hear ~ some people have no sense of humour!

    The worst thing about having your Q/A reported/deleted is that although they say you have the right to appeal your appeal is rarely read, or if so, not replied to...

    Feels like you're talking to the walls when pleading your case really!

  3. Wow- how sad.  I just wanted to say that I did not report it, nor do I feel it should have been reported.  I have had several questions and/or answers deleted that I don't feel should have been (and some that probably should have been) so I know how unfair that feels- you just try to put something out there, with a little heart in it, and bam!  Somebody obviously disagrees with it.

    I'd like to add I have seen an improvement today and am loving the respectful answers around here.  Thank you to all of you who are keeping up with your apologies.

    **I didn't sing yesterday, but if it's okay, I think I will today:

    Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya

    Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya

    Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya

    Oh lord, kumbaya

    Oh, and since Shelly mentioned chatting.  How is ANYTHING on Yahoo not possibly chatting?  I never understood that 'reason' for having questions or answers deleted.  Especially since I happen to be a more 'conversational' typer- you can 'hear' me talk when you read what I write.

  4. I didn't report either.

    You know, it's possible that Yahoo! simply deleted the questions on their own without them being reported.  They have done that before.

  5. Rotten apples, all those who reported.  They are the same folks that thumbs down certain folks just because they don't like them.

    FYI, It was funny, I saw that and was humming Kumbaya all day!  Thanks for lightening the mood yesterday!

    EDIT:  Go, Red, Go!  Now, I am doing it all over again!  I had a verse for my niece who fought sleep like no tomorrow . . . Someone's sleeping, My Lord . . . and so on . . . you can add anything you want there too . . . Someone's smilin . . . Someone's forgivin and forgettin . . . (Anoyone play the guitar?)

  6. Please forgive me if I'm wrong, but didn't you also have a post about saying happy birthday to your daughter? And wasn't that too erased?

    Nothing was wrong with either post. Personally I would appeal it.I would say that someone has a beef with you & doesnt have the balls to approach you the right way & is instead doing some back stabbing

  7. Yesterday WAS an interesting day on this site. There were several posts, like yours, intended  and needed to lighten the atmosphere. Under the circumstances it was appreciated by me.

    I guess someone who does not have a sense of humor had happy report fingers. It's too bad because now and then we all need a laugh and should cut each other a break from the RULES.

    ETA: I also had an apology deleted a few months ago.

  8. Ah man!  I didn't get a chance to sing!  I saw it and it was cute.  You get  such a limited view of people on here that it is great when you get a peak at the fun side of everyone.  Axing Kumbaya?  How low can you go?

  9. That is not fair. I got reported the other day after this one lady and her husband in separate names abused the asker and me for nothing. I found out from the asker that they were married and this lady used to be her friend but went all weird and she ranted about my silly answer. It takes all kinds. I would never do that to you or any other person. Take care.  :)

  10. you mean to tell me someone deleted your question?  However, you have to understand , that even if reported it is yahoo answers that finalizes the deletion- so maybe you need to ask them.  Just a thought, every time I have tried to bring some peace to an issue, either here or in Religion section, I have been reported.

  11. Gee, I missed it. I must have been busy appealing a violation or something.

    Anyways, I'm feeling a little beaten up today, so what the heck.....

    Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya

    Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya

    Kumbaya my lord, kumbaya

    Oh lord, kumbaya

    Someone's singing lord, kumbaya

    Someone's singing lord, kumbaya

    Someone's singing lord, kumbaya

    Oh lord, kumbayah

    Someone's laughing, lord, kumbaya

    Someone's laughing, lord, kumbaya

    Someone's laughing, lord, kumbaya

    Oh lord, kumbaya

    [Kumbaya lyrics on]

    Someone's crying, lord, kumbaya

    Someone's crying, lord, kumbaya

    Someone's crying, lord, kumbaya

    Oh lord, kumbaya

    Someone's praying, lord, kumbaya

    Someone's praying, lord, kumbaya

    Someone's praying, lord, kumbaya

    Oh lord, kumbaya

    Someone's sleeping, lord, kumbaya

    Someone's sleeping, lord, kumbaya

    Someone's sleeping, lord, kumbaya

    Oh lord, kumbaya

    Oh lord, kumbaya

    Don't be shy, let's all sing a long!!!

  12. IDK, I enjoyed your question.  I thought it was perfectly fitting to what was happening at the time.

  13. my apology was reported and deleted too. pfffft, they're just jealous we can get over things lmao.

  14. Yes, I got my question "how can we make this a better forum" deleted as well.. Have no idea why.. isn't that a question? I went on to say that, in light of the apologies/attempts to cool down, I listed some specific things I'd like to see change in how we deal with each other, then asked for other people's suggestions

    it was reported for chatting

    So if a person says "What are some colors" and STARTS a list by saying I know orange, red, and blue are, what are some others.. THat is considered chatting?  Why? because the asker started the list??

    I don't get the hatred here..

    I certianly would have not reported a question like yours

    What can we do about all the hatred..

  15. humorless party poopers

  16. I wonder how those sour grapes taste?

  17. Psh.  That's so stupid.  I guess people just don't like singing.

  18. maybe they weren't in tune????  or maybe they just suck?

  19. I have never reported anyone but it does make me laugh that some one would get their panties in a not about that one. LOL

    I guess someone doesn' twant the war to be over yet. Stir the pot, stir the pot, stir the pot, stir the pot, stir the pot.

    I thought it was cute.

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