
Why would someone get banned from entering the U.S. from Canada? Happened to a friends girlfriend.?

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A friend of mine is dating a girl that is unable to enter the U.S. under a " lifetime ban" What does that mean? Both he and I want to know what she did to get banned... she is not giving details to anyone.




  1. She has most likely committed a crime.

  2. She's not about to admit whatever she did to get banned.  Lifetime bans are primarily for illegal aliens who committed felonies in addition to violation of immigration laws.  Whatever it is, it must be very serious, and this is not a person you want to be involved with in any way whatsoever.

  3. In my experience, Lifetime Bans between Canada and the U.S. are extremely rare. In general, they are because the person in question committed a felony in the U.S., but even that is not always enough. The most common cause is smuggling something (drugs or stolen merchandise) or someone (immigrants for example) over the border. They receive a lifetime ban because it is assumed that they will abuse the privilege of an open border, and thus the U.S. decides that it is not worth the risk. I would say that this is a person you do NOT want to associate with, particularly if they are not telling you details about it. I would run away quickly and not look back!

    It may be possible that her crime is a part of the Canadian Public Record, which means you could probably search her name in a database on a Canadian government site and see. (You can do that in the U.S. to see if people have committed crimes.)

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