
Why would someone judge anothers morality?

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if they (someone) claim to be moral




  1. So you're saying we can't judge the morality of the n***s in the Holocaust? Slave owners? Murders? Rapists? See, that's the problem with moral relativism. It looks good on paper until you think it out. Like it or not, there is such a thing as right and wrong.

  2. I agree.  The scriptures say, "Judge not lest you be judged."

  3. Morality is culturally dependent. Among Arabic-speaking Bedouins, female genital mutilation, removal of the exterior genitals with whatever sharp object is at hand, is called "circumcision" and is done so the females can be thought of as clean. (It's not advocated in the Koran.) Parents have it done to their daughters because they love them and want them to be marriageable.

    But I am prepared to judge the living daylights out of that practice.  

  4. Because misery loves company.

    Seriously. When people ring themselves round with all sorts of prohibitions and "thou shalt not's" it's really irritating to see others living their own lives merrily and not paying any attention to these self-imposed prohibitions. That's why the oft-repeated threat, "just you wait until Jesus comes, boy will you be in trouble then!"

  5. It all depends on what your view of morality is.  If you feel killing people for no reason is morally acceptable then I say I judge you for that.  If you feel rape or child molestation is acceptable then I judge you for that.  If you feel steeling another persons personal property or money is acceptable then I say you are morally wrong and I judge you for that.  Shall I go on?

  6. What set standard morals would one use to judge others by.

    Look at Hugh Hefner and his playboy empire!

      He single handedly put the ideals or adultry and temptation on it's heads.

    People once though it was wrong morally to live with another woman , more less three like he does now!

    Topless woman was also wrong and now it's almost accepted by society in movies. In fact s*x acts and total nudity is pretty much standard in movies today!

    The world's moral's change with each generation it seems and now we conveniently use one to offset another! Thinking that we all are pretty good people and we will all go to heaven if we act in a good manner and do good works.

    Problem is as GOD so stated in the Holy Bible. Man is corrupted by a sinful nature and as his morals change so does his absolutes.

    However GOD does not change nor will he ever change in his word.

    As for man judging another man's morality, it is deffinetly wrong!

    One should never say to another you are morally wicked for at some point aren't we all!

    We should never judge the individual himself but his actions or deeds will tell us what moral character he or she is. And at that time we can choose to abstain and refrain from contact with that fallen individual or follow in their footsteps of disobedience to GOD!

    After all isn't that is what the Bible is all about forgiveness and repentence onto our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ and the Cross at Calvary!

  7. Indeed.

    The effectiveness of any "method of morality" can be viewed by the demographic of prison populations.

  8. It seems as though a large number of people confuse "legal" with moral.

    Sure some things are wrong...  and need to be punished...  however it has little to nothing to do with an eternal soul or God.

    It's the rules a society makes so that they can all live together.  It's been that way from long before Jehovah told parents to kill their disobedient children...  or rejected a person for the priesthood because of skin discoloration <birth mark>.

    Jehovah made a "moral code" of over 600 rules.  Several of them were enforced by the death penalty.

    Modern humans <on the most part> realize how wrong that is.

  9. They do it because they have no lives! They lead a life that do not like and try and prevent other people from enjoying their life.

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