
Why would someone not believe disorder of sensory integration, learning disabilities, ADHD, and autism exist?

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Why would someone not believe disorder of sensory integration, learning disabilities, ADHD, and autism exist?




  1. I see you have gotten a lot of responses to your questions!

    May I add one more thing---If it's the school system denying these conditions it's because they do not want to pay to help the child.

    Family members might be in denial, with a can't have that in our family attitude.

    Lack of sensitivity towards other human beings.

    And last but not least,  they are selfish morons--what comes around goes around.  Take comfort in that thought!

  2. Probably because they were ignorant and uneducated.

  3. Many people are scared of the two words....MENTAL ILLNESS!! If they don't learn about people's disorders, etc they remain  scared. of the unknown. I have two daughters ages 14 and 9. Both my girls have ADHD, learning disability's, Bipolar Disorder and my 14 year old also has cronic depression, She has the worse Bipolar that any one could posible get and it's worse in children. my 14 year old also has more mental illnesses. She is sick, very sick. So I know about the not believing in these disorders. My own family walked out of our lives due to my girls mental problems. They were afraid. Family  means sticking together. So thats why, ( with my beliefs ) people do not believe. I think they're afraid that.if they admit it's true there family my also get this.

  4. There are various reasons, they may include

    ignorance of a condition.

    denial of a condition

    believing the condition is cured

    or not understanding the condition.

  5. Because people don't know what they are talking about.  I have worked in classrooms full of kids with all that you mentioned and me, it exists!

  6. Because alot of people are just ignorant and maybe also because they don't understand it. Most people will turn their backs on other people b/c they can't wrap their minds around it or care to truly understand so to them it doesn't exist. Which is sad because each one of those is very common and exists is alot of people.

    I was once told that I couldn't have a learning disability because I have my Master's Degree. I worked hard for that degree and it wasn't easy, but it was sad that a family member told me that. And that is probably because he grew up thinking that people with disabilities couldn't amount to anything.

  7. because some of it develops later..or is "curred"  so its assumed its in their head and self manufested...

  8. These are the same folks that do not believe allergies exist. I think they should come to Greensboro, NC notably the second highest allergen city in the USA.

  9. because they either ignorant, misguided or just plain stubborn

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