
Why would someone report my question and get it deleted? there was nothing wrong with it.?

by  |  earlier

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it went along the lines of 'does any one want to join my afl dreamteam comp, the code is 736350'

come on guys, don't make this like the bloody cricket section. they report anything for disagreeing with them, the indians that is.

i havent reported anyone and was just asking who wanted to join.




  1. This has happened to me before. People are just jerks and want to do something stupid cuz they think its fun! That is how my first account got deleted.

  2. Hey Romper Stomper! you have to realize lot's of people like to hear themselves talk, WE have that problem here in the STATES too.  Makes you wonder who's grown up and who is not

  3. It's not only other people on here, It's yahoo also. if they doesn't like, they will Delete it, sorry that's life....

  4. Ah so you have those a*****e trolls in here too do ya mate?

    Yeah it really sucks when someone gets jealous of you doesn't it..Gee i never realised the footy and cricket section had so much in common...

    If they think it is soliciting did the other 3 questions on the same subject last night get deleted too?

  5. I wonder why it was deleted..I still joined ya league though.

  6. It may be considered a solitation and YA killed it for that reason? Just a guess.

  7. yeah actually i woke up this morning and found some of my serious(yes im not always an ***) questions deleted...not nice

    i wouldnt care if they deleted my bagging ones but the serious ones??? fuckn haters

  8. I know what you mean!!!!

    Those stupid dumb @SSHOLES of TROLLS!!!

    Like they think I'm scared to get my level 7 account suspended.

    Go ahead SUCKERS!!!!

    Well the answer to your question....Nothing wrong with it.

    Happy Easter!!!


  9. bcoz they are inbred dickheads mate.  your tigers won well too boy.

  10. Asking a question to gain knowledge you lack is fine. Spamming for members of some activity is not.

  11. Don't let it get to you - happens all the time to me.  I had a great question /discussion going but it was removed from me just defending my position a bit too - enthusiastically - I guess. I referred to someone as an fn moron after they referred to me as an idiot.  Global Warming is such a touchy subject after all - god forbid anyone defend the polar ice sheets or polar animals at the expense of the economy.

  12. I saw, I answered and I joined your League, and when my team plays yours I'm going to gloat on here when I win, hahaha, LMAOREALLY LOUD, yes it is stupid when jerks have nothing better to do than get questions and answers deleted, unless there "OZ"'s questions, then it's fair game.

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