
Why would someone say 'no-one can raise a child by themselves'?

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I saw an answer today and it said this. That struck me as odd. I am a single mom and I have absolutely no family nearby (they are 4 000 miles away). I moved here for school and didn't know anyone. And I receive no child support. Just the kids and me (although we are meeting people in the community now that we have lived here a few months).

I would like to have a partner. I would like to have a close knit family. I would like to have abunch of really close friends. I would like my kids to have a great male role model. But that is not how my life worked out and I AM doing it and doing it well.

Why would someone think that it 'cannot' be done? I am not going to die one day on my kitchen floor saying 'well I guess it can't be done, I give up'. lol. Of course it can be done. Anything can be done in life.

I found that answer very funny and yet strange. Life is a ride and we all survive and have fun along the way because it CAN be done, and done with some great memories too and happiness along the way.

What is your opinion on the statement that a child cannot be raised by one person alone?




  1. I am not a single mom but I imagine the reason she said that is because she may not be strong enough to raise a child on her own.I am not sure if I could do it myself but my mom was a single mom and I would like to give around of applause to all the single parents!!!1

  2. I would somewhat view that statement as reality if a person raises their child strictly by themselves that would mean you are with them 24/7.  never leaving them for work, school etc.  I would view that statement as true not in a finance scenerio but rather the care itself.  It does take a village to raise children or there would be no schools, daycares, nannies, babysitter...etc.  Hope that makes sense and good luck to you!

  3. sorry but im not for single parenthood, better choices need to  be made but as long as you're not leaching off the government bravo

    problem is here, you  have taught your kids ( and if you have a girl especially ) no man is needed , sorry just my opinion, you asked =)

  4. I don't belive that at all.  I am also a  20 yr old single mother/ worker/ and part time student.  I conquer my goals for the future of my son.  My husband is in prison he went in when I was 2 months pregnant.  At first I was down because the thought of doing everything on my own scared me.  I'm past that.  It can be done!  You have to be extremely strong.. I mean we are the mom and dad!

    To the person above me.. wow! Some people are so ignorant.

  5. Of course a single parent can raise a child. But you know the expression "It takes a village," right? This is the idea that the entire community needs to be involved, on some level, with child-rearing. I mean, you can be a single mom, but you need someone else to build the road, milk the cow, etc. When we realize this, it helps us see we all depend on each other in some way. Part of the "it takes a village" concept is that every one one of us needs to be alert for dangers to kids, work to make a safe and nurturing place for children to live. I'm not sure if that's what the answer was meant to say, but I think this is valid. You want to live in a world where your neighbors care about your child's well being, don't you?

  6. well my opinion is that if you did have a partner and close family my childrens needs would only come first anyway so whats the difference.  A single parent is just as good as having partner and family close by.  Another thing also is that children will be in a better soiable position for meeting new children and making new friends.  


  7. I think it can be done, it is just more difficult perhaps. I'm talking more on a financial basis than anything else. I don't think that being a single parent will disservice your children in any way - people who still think that "2 parents" are the only way to raise healthy children are idiots. Just because a parent can biologically produce a child doesn't mean that they are good parents - just like it doesn't mean all married couples are good parents. A child who is with a single parent who is loving, caring, nurturing, positive is better off than a child with BOTH parents who are constantly fighting, emotionally/physically abusive, and just overall assh0les. Of course having two wonderful parents is ideal, but times have changed.

  8. They would say/think that because they have a husband/wife paying the bills for them and couldn't ever imagine being independent because they've been relying on other people to take care of them their entire lives.

    It is very possible to raise child/ren by one self.  Female or male.

    Sometimes I think it's better that the absent parent stay absent.  There are not too many other uncomfortable things in life like getting on a schedule and having a good, solid routine with your child/ren and having someone (the absent parent) coming into your life and seriously messing up all the hard work that you've done.

    I hear ya girl.  You just keep up the good work and pay no attention to ignorant people.

  9. My opinion is that is a ridiculous thing to say!  Strong and amazing women (such as yourself) do it every single day... and most of them do it extraordinarily well.  Whomever said that must be living in some sort of detached fantasy world.  I commend you.  

    - And a quick side note to the other poster above:  many women do not make the CHOICE to be alone to raise a child, so many, many times, it's not about making better choices.  Thank god women are resilient and can still be there for their kids if a man can't, or won't.

  10. Good on you girl x

    Anyone could become a single parent at ANY time, people should remember that, however well planned out your perfect life is, things go wrong and people die, harsh but true.

    I know that i would find it hard if i suddenly became a single mother but i know i would cope, i would have to, i am a mother and it is my responsibility to make sure my daughter is OK, if that means doing it alone, then so be it.

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