
Why would someone send drugs to the home of a random person?

by  |  earlier

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There's a news story today about a mayor who's house was raided. There was a package sent to his house and it had marijuana in it, but the man didn't know it. The news people said it was part of a scam to send drugs to some unsuspecting persons house. The way they said it made it sound like it's happened at least a few times before. What is it that they're trying to do when they do it? Get the person in trouble?




  1. He was set up.

    Would a reputable mayor really have drugs sent to his home? Don't dilute your intelligence to that of those idiot cops.

  2. The MAYOR is NOT a 'random person'.  I seriously doubt anyone would send drugs to a random person.  They MAY send drugs to a wrong address, or specifically TARGET someone for unknown reasons.

  3. Because they don't like the person.  

  4. Because they wanted to set him up and have the police kill his dogs

  5. That's a really good question.  Since drugs are fairly valuable you wouldn't think a dealer would waste them by sending them to someone who will not pay.  My devious mind came up with some ideas:

    1)  Deflect suspicion from themselves by seeing to it that drugs were found in another person's house.

    2)  A set up, either by the local criminals to embarass the Mayor, or by his political rivals to discredit him.

    3)  Perhaps the primary target was the Mayor's wife or child.  With the result of causing the Mayor to be discredited or embarrassed.

    Since the raid was reported in the news (I wonder who could have tipped off the news??) it would appear that the set uip worked.

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