
Why would someone stand on a step that has just been painted

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Decided to paint my door steps yesterday evening. I put a big "Wet paint on steps" sign next to them and lo and behold this woman friend of ours decided to call round literally half an hour after I'd just painted them and she was just standing on one of them waiting for the door to be answered. I said, "I've just literally painted those, didn't you see the sign?" She said, "I know darling, I've just painted mine a few weeks ago".




  1. It reminds me of the day I was sitting on a park bench and a group of 4 or 5 were walking towards me and just at the last moment they moved out to avoid walking into the bench.  Maybe they thought I was going to unscrew it from the ground, pick it up and move it out of the way for them to get past?  It may have been a case of 'the lights are on, but there's nobody home'.

  2. lol...sounds like a scene outta a funny movie.

    creep onto her steps at night and scratch them or spray grafitti :P

  3. It sounds like she thought that you left the sign up for awhile, and the paint was dry.

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