
Why would someone surrender?

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Maybe I'm crazy but I think I'd rather take a bullet then go through living h**l in a POW camp if we were forced to surrender. I just couldn't have myself to quit firing.




  1. Look --if your surrendering to the Americans or Brits--your pretty safe--unless you managed to kill one of their platoon recently.

    However---when the Germans surrender to the RUSSIANS in WWII---they were treated very poorly--most died in camps long after the war was over.  it took five years before the russians released the majority of the what was left.

    The North Koreans tortured the Americans and other UN troops---they would take them out on to a frozen river barefoot and poor water over their feet and FREEZE them to the river for days.

    The North Vietnamese----well read McCains Bio.  BUT HE DID LIVE and go onto be a Senator--and hopefully a President.

    Now--don't surrender to Muslim extremist--unless your a NEWS correspondent.  Or else you'll end up without a HEAD.

    When I used to give a class on POW conduct to my Company while in the Army--I used to tell them--keep your comments against the US Vague--disavow any statements that criticize US POLICY.  Never admit to personal wrong doing or wrong doing by you fellow POWS.

    Always ask for a copy of the genevea conventions concerning POWS(Its a law that a POW must receive a copy in his native language.)

    But try to get yourself on TV---once your on film as a captured POW--you have a lot better chance of getting out alive rather than Disappearing in a shallow unmarked grave.

    Remember--you can be tried for crimes if you admit guilt, your statement can be used against you.--even in your own country after the war.

  2. Its better to be captured than killed.And I think the policy in the US is to not surrender while there is a way to defend(all the other answers state that).An example of people who never surrendered were the Spartans.They fought with shield and spears,if they lose the spear,they got the sword,if they lose the sword,they would still die swinging with every limb they have left.

    Another thing about last stands is,many people feel that if death is certain,they can just charge and die.But a lot of the time,the US Army and Marines fought off hordes of enemies while facing impossible odds by staying put,being organized and staying calm.

  3. One might surrender if they had family at home.

  4. I am in the United States military and we are to never surrender ourselves or our subordinates so long as we have the means to resist.  There are several reasons, however, why one might surrender.  One, as I mentioned earlier, is if you do not have any way to combat the enemy and face death otherwise.  Depending on who you are fighting, you will not necessarily be subjected to torture and deprivation in a POW camp.  Also, again if you can no longer go on fighting, you may be rescued during your imprisonment, so taking a bullet may not be necessary.

  5. Well the military teaches you to be intelligent not stupid... but In this day and age where we are battling in the sand pit most of my friends felt the same way... this isnt because they have a warrior spirit... its because being out there you not coming back if you get caught... its been proven... only a small amount of POWs have survived out there the rest are found in some pretty ****** up positions..... and not every POW quits firing.... you dont have endless supplies and sometimes you may have no supplies.... say a helicopter pilot is shot down... he survives but his partner doesnt.... hes going to get captured if he isnt near friendly's.... if u get ambushed and everyone around you is shot down... your vehicle is stuck or ****** to the point its not mobile.... will you want to die? well if so that is brave... but why wouldnt you try to radio in and stick it out until someone comes? but you cant really say what you'd do until you sign up and get in that situation

  6. Either way, you're screwed. Might as well take as many as you can with you. Army, Navy, and Airforce personnel will surrender. Marines, such as myself, believe in death before dishonor.  

  7. you can say that now. but in war anything can happen. you may feel youre not ready to die yet for some reason or you just ran out of bullets.

  8. Not much you can do about it if you're out of bullets now, is there?

    Sometimes they don't have a choice of surrendering or dieing.

  9. some people prefer life over death even if it means that they will be living through pain for the next however amount of days because there is still a chance that they will get out alive

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