
Why would someone take a filter out of a cigarette?

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I don't smoke but discovered this in my teen nieces belongings (it fell out of her pocket). Should I assume its laced? It looks like tobacco, so I don't think its weed, but I've never smoked either tobacco or weed, so IDK.




  1. people i know who do that, use the tobacco from cigs to mix with weed.

    stop going through your nieces stuff though

    tut tut.

  2. What does your question have to do with food or drink?  Can you answer that question?

  3. i think it kills you quicker w/o a filter

  4. Is the filter with it (it could have just broke off while inside the pocket -- that happens all the time).

    The only drug I know that gets laced into cigarettes is PCP.  But that's pretty hardcore.

    If it's weed, it will look green and the texture would be rough and heavy.  If it's tobacco, it will look brown, and it will be very light and almost look like little tiny strips of paper.

  5. your niece needs a spanking!

  6. The filter looks like weed? I don't understand the question.

    As far as taking the filter off of a cigarette, I do that when I can't find my brand of UNfiltered cigarettes (Camels or Pall-Malls): I buy filtered Camels and take the filter off. Unfortunately, those companies use different blends of tobacco even within the same brand, so it's still not the same, but better than nothing (smokers like to fool themselves).

    But I don't keep the filters, I throw them away, I can't imagine why anyone would want to keep them.

    As far as other nutty things that people do with smokes, is some people buy cheap cigars and then take a little bit of tobacco out of the front of the cigar and then mix some pot or hashish or PCP with the tobacco, then re-load it into the cigar. That's called a "blunt."

    If I were you, I'd talk to the girl. Show her that 'that stuff' fell out of her pocket and you want to know what it means. You're concerned for health.

  7. We used to take the filter off our cigs when I was a teen. It was a stronger more satisfying tobacco taste. Plus there is a something

    satisying about putting your lips around the natural elements of tobacco and paper as opposed to a synthethic filter. On the other hand, I never knew of a girl who did this. This was mainly a boy thing.

    Let's hope she outgrows her cigarette habit. Otherwise she'll look like she's 60 by the time she's 40.  I quite in my early twenties, but

    most people I grew up with are still smoking and they look like bloody h**l.  

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