
Why would someone think torture is not against the law?

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Why would someone think torture is not against the law?




  1. The only way to consider torture NOT illegal is to interpret the laws to make it so.

    You can:  twist the definition of torture so that such events as 'waterboarding' are not considered torture..To do that you ignore international definitions of the practice.

    You can: define a person as not having the law apply to them.  Some sort of magical status as non-human seem to work.

    You can: define the law to not apply.  Oh, maybe we'll have the torture take place in some magical non-state where laws don't apply.

    You can: define the laws as temporarily non effective.  That's usually done by drumming up a condition of panic and fear.

    You see?  It's easy, you just need to use your head and find some loopholes, and voila!  no laws are broken.  

  2. If someone tortured you, I'll bet you would think it should be against the law.

  3. It's ALL semantics.  Ex: Define torture?  And then they argue the meaning.  What exactly do you mean by "detainee"?  Ok, what exactly do you mean by "the"?  And so on.  And then they argue what exactly the law dictates.  Like when people argue about the second amendment.  So, we can all own a pair of bears' arms?  

  4. Because laws have exceptions, including where the harm to be avoided is worse than the harm inflicted by torture. For example, if you could torture and possibly kill a few innocent people in order to find the key to save thousands of lives (e.g., to foil a plot to hijack an airplane and crash it into an occupied high-rise in Manhattan), it would be well worth the effort.

  5. read history TORTURE  always in use  even in america  

  6. Because it is to their financial and political benefit, of course!

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