
Why would someone want to become a foster parent?

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Why would anyone want to take on a strangers kid?




  1. to help children in bad situation it's a kind and some time you can get family back together you just hope it best for kids

  2. Because they want to

  3. i want to become one beacuse

    for one its not ths childs fault they were born by bad parents and every child need to be loved and not everyone can become parents on thier own so this is left as a last choice kind of thing and i dont know about you but if you could offer your home to provide a better life for just one child wouldnt you want to if everyone thought this way their  might be one less girl that seeks oldermen just for attention she never got as a child or one less gang banger

  4. Because some people love and care for all children, not just their own biological kids.  Foster parenting is the kind of thing where it can be super super difficult but at the same time, completely rewarding.  I have definitely considered becoming a foster parent, and may one day do it if the circumstances are appropriate.

  5. Because some people don't consider other people "Strangers" but rather a part of the same family--Human Kind....  

    Because some people have more and want to share the blessings they have with those who have less....

    Fostering from my point of view is about helping SOME other family overcome the issues that have cause their children to be unsafe...Fostering ***To Me*** is not about a Strangers Kid it is about another family.....

  6. 1. Many people are not fortunate enough to have their own children and would love to be able to take in a child.

    2. God put a love in my heart for children! I have a foster son myself I am currently trying to adopt. I have had him for almost 3 years and he is like my own natural birth son. I see no difference between them. God has given me both of my son in 2 different ways and I thank him for both of my little blessings!

    3. The children are innocent. Do you think for 1 second they have chosen to be abused and neglected. Thank God people are willing and able to lovingly take in foster children.

    God bless all who take in a child! I challenge you to consider being a foster parent and you will see for yourself it is very rewarding!

  7. The people want a family and can't have one, or else have grown children and like having younger kids around.

    Some people feel fortunate in life and want to share something with kids who could use a nice family.

    Some people are good with kids,  and rather than work in an unrewarding job where they don't feel like they're doing anything particularly worthwhile, they'll become "career" foster parents as a way to keep a roof over their own heads, while, at the same time, doing something good for someone else.   I've known people who do this type of thing, and they make sure the children are cared about, having everything, and sometimes become a permanent part of their family.  (Some doctors, nurses, teachers, or other helping professionals are paid but also want to do something to help people with the work they choose.)

    Some people hope to be able to adopt, and they tell social workers they only want children who may eventually be adopted.

    Some people know of a child that needs a foster home, so the future foster parents do what it takes to be able to be the foster parents of that child.

    Some people - as others have said - do it just for the money, and no other reason (but I don't think those are the majority).\

    Sometimes somebody may feel they don't have much meaning in their life, and they think that being a foster parent would help them feel they're doing something worthwhile; and can make a difference for some child or teenager.

    When people (particularly women who are mature and caring women) think of children they can have a strong maternal instinct, and they aren't always all that concerned about whose child it is.  Many women have a maternal instinct to all children.  Some men can have a similar type of attitude, although it is more difficult for young and/or immature men to imagine why anyone would want to worry about "someone else's kid".

  8. There are people who honestly care about kids and want to give them a better life than their parents.  Then there are those who just want the money the state gives them for childcare.

  9. Because they care.

    Because they've been there themselves.

    Because they want to make a difference.

    Because it's not the kids' fault.

    Because they love kids.

    Because they have something to offer to people in pain.

    Because they like to hug.

    Because they're not selfish.

    Because maybe it's not so important to have "their own" kids that they forget there are plenty of kids without "their own" family.

    Because they don't realize you can't live off that kind of pay.

    Because they don't want jobs.

    Because they want someone to do chores for them.

    Because they have the room in their house and heart.

    There are a million different possibilities.  I'm sure that each foster parent has at least one or two reasons from this list (there are "good" foster parents and "bad" foster parents).  In my experience, it seems to be because people care about kids, usually.

  10. Well my mother in law is a foster mother and she has adopted 5 of the children she was a foster mother too. I asked her the same question and she told me this she was blessed to of have 3 of her own children but she just knew that there were other children out there that wanted a family and needed a good home. When she told me this it really clicked in my head and now I am going threw the process to become a foster mother. You have no idea what its like to see these children come from nothing and being sad and depressed to smiling and laughing and telling you they love you.

  11. I have thought about foster parenting,and I will say that I can not speak for anyone else, but I would do it because the children in my community are also my children.  They are growing up in the same world as my blood children and deserve an equal chance.  I also have alot of patience and love.

  12. Some people are superior human beings and have love in their hearts for children.

    It's really not that difficult to understand.

  13. Because those kids have a sucky time in the foster care system, and any lift they can get helps. Plus they are stygmatized by people like you.

    My brother was adopted through the foster care system. I loved him as if he had been my blood brother since the day he arrived at our house. No joke. He is a human being, born into unfortunate circumstances. We helped him and his family, and he has added a whole new, wonderful dimension to our family. I didn't have any brothers until he came along, and I love him to death. He is as much a part of our family as I am.

    Being a foster parent with no plans of adoption is even harder. You are trying to provide a warm, safe, loving home for the kid, while trying to face the fact that they won't always be there.

    Foster parents (and I'm talking about the crazy ones or the ones just looking for money -most of those get screened these days) are an incredibly important aspect of society. That could be the difference between a kid in college, or a kid in juvie. I'm not saying this as a generalization about foster kids, what I mean is that kids with a good support system and good role models tend to do better in life. Foster parents play a huge role in that. It's an incredibly important job, not one that should be sniffed at in any way, shape or form.

  14. i would personally because i know that they would need someone to love them and care for them the way they have the right to be.  if i were out there on my own i would love it for a loving family to take me in as their own.

  15. Because it's not the child's fault if they are born into bad circumstances, and luckily, there are people out there who can and will take on often difficult children in order to give them the love and support they need.

  16. A "strangers" kid?  Aren't all children our children?  And the moment you meet the child, they are no longer a stranger!

    With the attitude you have, as witnessed by your question, you are obviously not a good candidate for foster parenting.  But why the question?

  17. It has nothing to do with "taking on a stranger's kid." People have love and attention to give and feel the need to express and give this time and attention to children who so desperately need and deserve it. There is no question that, unfortunately, most people do not bring in other people's children to live in their homes but, it is a fantastic gift.

  18. Don't even get me started. Children are not asked to be born but they are made to live the lives of their parents. Children are taken away from their parents due to abuse, and neglect. These children need a place to go. Foster parents offer these children a safe place they can go to while their parents are trying to get their lives back together. Sometimes they do and some times they don't but it takes a very special person to become a foster parent and obviously you do not have enough love in your heart to care for a child, no matter who their parents are. I have a passion for children and maybe it is because I have not biological children. I just want to care for children be cause they need adults to be available for them and when a parent has children and can not take care of them, that makes me very angry; and taking that child into my home and showing him or her the love and compassion, and support they did not get at home and giving them a stable place to stay is why I am a foster parent!

  19. because you want to give that child a chance at love and happiness. they didn't ask to be given up by their parents or taken out of their home because it was unsafe. i think it is really beautiful to give a child the chance to experience a loving home even if it is just temporary. but sometimes it does turn into an adoption which is even better.

  20. Because they love helping children.  For the same reason that I just stated.

  21. A child has no control over their parents and the mistakes they have made. A child is often left in the dark with no one to turn to, and when a family opens the door to them and shows them what a loving environment is, not only does that family become lucky but so does this child. Both benefit.

    A child with out a family or a home deserves to know and feel what one may be like, instead of being left out in the cold so to speak. Why should this particular child be left out of what children are suppose to experience.

    Its not a "strangers kid".. Its just a child with no where to go.

  22. I was a foster parent and it certainly was NOT for the 500 per month per child, of which we spent much much more on them!

    We did it because we felt we wanted to hlep children in need in this fashion.  It was hard  at times, and rewarding at times.  But the experiences teh children gave us, and the time and energy we gave the children will impact on all of us forever.

  23. some people do it because they want to help children and try to make a difference.  

    others do it purely out of greed for  that check that comes along with the child.  i've seen lots of those in my line of work.

  24. because as a child you have no control on your parents actions and its not your fault you cant be in a good home. so there are those few good people in the world ho are foster parents and they give those underprivaliged children a good home and hope for the future. i appreciate foster parents with out them there would be many homeless people!

  25. Are you kidding me... there are so many kids out there that don't have a home. They are in orphanages felling alone. Do you not have a heart? I mean, for crying out loud, how would you feel if someone gave you up and no one wanted you? How would you feel? No child should have to endure that pain. NO CHILD.... it isn't their fault. Heartless people like you need to go find a isolated island and depart from all humanity!

  26. because it doenst matter if its a "strangers" kid or not its still a child that needs to be loved and given a better chance at life.... im hoping to make the child feel like part of the family until their own family gets things together or they find a new forever family

  27. i think sometimes when they dont have their own or cant have thier own, but still wouild like to have the responsibillity of one.

  28. It is great that people want to become foster parents to help children whose parents are unable to care for them. Unfortunately there are a few people who do this strictly for the money and they do not give a rat's tush about the child. Hope this is only a few out there who become foster parents because they get a lot from the state to do this.

  29. first of all people would want to take in "stranger kids" to help them and raise them because there is a lot of kids in this world who can use a good home.

    my parents were foster parents and they adopted me. They took in a whole bunch of kids to take care of but didnt adopt all of them. they adopted four. Im 13 years old and i think that the question was just mean and it kind of hurts my feelings to be called a strangers kid. does that not make me some one?

  30. well because often times these children are coming from abusive homes, or they are children who "act out" because of their home environment, and sadly sometimes these children have disabilities and their parents dont know how to handle them and get frustrated.

    it is a chance to help give a better life to a child who may not have gotten it!

    i would definately do it if i got the chance

  31. I'd love to if I had the time and resources.  It would mean helping a child who really needs someone.  As far as taking "on a stranger's kid", well, some people have the heart for that and some don't.

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