
Why would someone want to become an American citizen?

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please give me real answers that i could use in a civics essay... it would be really helpful if i got some real answers that my civics teacher wouldn't fail me for.... thanks!




  1. After jumping ship?

    Why not?

    Living in misery with oppression and slavery of the dead Mummy creaking and rattling with empty skeleton of skull and bones in ruling and leading in guiding the survival of living human kind with pots and pans from the graveyards of different ghostly ancestor's culture and custom.

    Luke 9.55-56

    Could not survive with empty pots and pans with cheap-skate glory of national identity in kicking them on the butts in moving backwards in time.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  2. Because compared with where I came from, the US (while not perfect) is an amazing place of opportunity and real freedom.  Sure, the country is full of people trying to limit that freedom with their words, but that's because THEY are free to do so!  

    There's a reason immigrants are 8-10 times more likely to become millionaires than "natural-born" Americans; they can see the opportunity to make their own lives.  Many Americans are still waiting for someone to "bring them" their Dream, not realizing they need to stop watching "American Idol" and go and get it!

    P.S. In the "old Country" bucknutz (above) would probably be in detention right now for failing spelling AND grammar!

  3. 1. Freedom to choose their own religion.

    2. Freedom to voluntarily vote for their leaders (democracy)

    3. Freedom to compete for any job- you are not "stuck" in a certain class structure

    4. All around freedom.

    ALSO, take a look at the Bill of Rights.

  4. have you been to other countries ?

    we are #1

    really, the U.S. is the best

  5. According to my wife (an immigrant):

    Honest government

    Greater opportunity

    Fairly enforced laws

    Equal treatment no matter what your race

    The ability to become a 'full citizen' regardless of your ethnic background

    And above all: 'Freedom'  (She says I don't understand because I have had freedom all my life.)

  6. well i guess the most common answer would be money. a lot of third world countries have people who come here and make money and send it back. the answer that i can think of that most people don't think about is political and religious reason they come to America because they do not agree with their countries. they are also athletes and musicians who will come here because in some countries they're whole life is ruled by the government because they have talent and they want to lead their own life...

  7. Because they haven't lived here long enough to realize that "the American Dream" is a myth created by corporate America to socialize us into being capitalist pigs with no hope of ever achieving our dreams. (Except for a few elites).

  8. It is hard to answer this if ur born in the US, isnt it?

    Or you can say  cliches like we are #1 (which is true) or this is a myth (false).

    It takes an immigrant to give the right answer ... lets see...

  9. america is the land of oppurtunity. we have democracy, which is HUGE for a lot of people. there are also many jobs available here and a minimum wage, something they can live off of.

    hope this helps!

  10. It might sound contrived, but honestly, for some people (myself included) it's because America has become home. When you live in a decent country for long enough, and meet enough good and friendly people, you build an affinity for the place, and you want to become part of that environment.

    But your civics teacher might not accept that. School is largely down to bullet points and repetition after all. In which case: voting, ease of travel, being free of immigration documents and processing, federal government jobs, etc. are probably the answers they're expecting.

  11. you have the ability to vote.....

    you can get a drivers license.....

    you get gov. benefits......(although some non-cit. get them too)

    you need to be one to be in the usa legally for long periods of time

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