
Why would special needs students with mental and physical disabilities at high schools be older than 18 - 19?

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Why would high school students with special needs / mental / physical disabilities / mental disorders who are in a special ed program (such as BEST BUDDIES) become the oldest high school students at a high school? Why are they passed the the age of 18 - 19 (essentially 19)? There were some students at my school with mental disabilities who have a BEST BUDDIES program who are as old as 20, 21, 22, even younger than 19 or even the same age (19). Please be specific and tell me what you know. No source links. No unanswered responses. No simple answers. No false answers (jokes).




  1. When the student has went through the 4 yrs as a high school student in the ESE program, they graduate with only a certificate of completion. Then they are given the opportunity to go back until they are of the age (usually 21 or 22) to try and recieve their regular high school diploma. During this time they are taught and trained for a job that they may be able to do and get paid for it. (ever wonder how disabled people get jobs). Since most of the decision is made by the parent, some continue on til they are no longer eligable to attend because some parents dont know what to do with them after they are home on a more permanent basis. (Meaning what are they going to do if they arent trained for something?) the reason they are paired with someone is for safety reasons until they can do the job on their own.  also after they leave school ARC is a good program to enter them in.

  2. No, it has to do with the program elgibility requirements for special education and other vocational training services. Elgibility for special education (including a transition plan) ends at 21.

    So people with moderate to severe cognitive disabilities who could not attend college (where the standard is  instead 'otherwise qualified') would benefit from continuing enrollment in their high school.

    It would enable them to obtain job skills, independent living skills and other essential services required for a successful transition.

  3. It's because in most states, laws were passed which mandate that a Special Ed. student stays in school until the age of 22.  Unfortunately, they are booted at 22, even if it's the middle of the year and the Christmas party is tomorrow.  There used to be "Turning 22" programs which helped them transition to life outside of school, but they have ended due to budget cuts.

  4. because they are unable to meet the graduation requirements in 4 years--

    any student--wityh or with out a disability is entitled to a free and appropriate education until the age of 22.....or they graduate-whichever comes first....

  5. According to the Americans with Disibilities act they are in the local school system until their 22 year. Most go to an adult program at 18 years that is funded by the school district. It a federal law that alows them to be in a school setting. . Some will go to Project T.E.A.M or Ability Counts. These programs will help them with job skills.

  6. "A student's eligibility to receive special education services ends either when s/he reaches age 21 (or 22 in some states) or graduates from high school. "

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