
Why would the DEM National Chairman make such sick remarks especially when people may lose their lives/homes?

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The DEMS are definitely sick people and only concerned with their brand of politics.




  1. He is crazy and a crackpot.  You have to wonder about any party that elects him chairman and Pelosi Speaker..

  2. I agree with him. I'm an atheist so I explain it with the Gaia Theory. This is one of the things the environment is doing to keep the planet suitable for life, undermining the efforts of the Grand Oil Party to continue their cancerous practices.

    Wanna drill in ANWR do ya? I think Mother Nature wants to weigh in on that!!!!

    Further more the scum over at Focus on the Family were praying for a terrential downpour at the DNC and whaddya know they got their storm alright.

    I call it justice and I don't feel bad for it, but I do feel bad for the communities affected by this storm.

  3. He was parodying Falwells stupid comments about 9-11.

    Keep reading, if you can.

  4. Well, it is in line with comments about 9/11 and Katrina, about how it was brought on by God to exact revenge on the US' tolerant views.

    And when right-wing idiots say things like the need for poisoning a sitting Supreme Court justice to get another appointment, we're told we need a sense of humor, it's just a joke.

    If its good enough for right to use "just joking" as a defense for offensive remarks, it should be good enough for the left as well.

  5. Just shows how the Democrats care about politics more than Americans!!!!

  6. Is is not funny that people with no transportation were drowned by Katrina.  

    Today, poor people and old people who can walk have the dead to thank that there are buses to take them to the safety from Gustav.  

    But mostly, they have the timing of the Republican Convention to thank.  .

    The thing that IS funny is this:  

    My Republican friend once told me she didn't feel sorry for the Katrina victims because they should have taken personal responsibility for their own lives and gotten out of there instead of waiting for the government to help them.  Now that very same friend is saying, Democrats don't care enough about people who might lose their lives and homes to Gustav.  

  7. Why should he care about poor blacks in New Orleans when the mayor and the Governor of Lousiana did not.  Then they tried to blame President Bush for not sending the National Guard when it is clearly the duty of the GOvernor to request it by declaring a state of emergency.  

  8. well he was making a parody of Jerry Falwell's comments but i guess you want to defend that's man's wish that it would flood the DNC and wash away all surrounding homes, right?

  9. Bomb bomb bomb, bomb bomb Iran.


  10. It's howard dean...need i say more?

  11. It's a dumb remark but there are far worse from the left like the vile way they are attacking Palin's children, one of which is just an infant.

  12. You should read the entire article, and john c should at least read the first  couple of lines to know who he's accusing.

    Or is that asking too much?

  13. That's anywhere worse than either Falwell, Roberts, or Dobson saying hurricanes and terrorist attacks are because we have a free and open society

    They claim it's because we have g**s and allow woman free choice

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