
Why would the EPA set the allowable level of a toxic substance in our drinking water higher than is safe?

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That is safe as computed by the EPA scientists responsible for determining such things.




  1. This administration has insisted that the affect on business take precedence over affect on health.

  2. Before you can ask this question we need to know what the substance is and on what data you are using to determine the 'safe' level.

  3. It's called "Lobbyists." They even used to allow formaldehyde in bread to keep it fresh. Even now, they still allow manufacturers to have some trans fat (any partially hydrogenated or fully hydrogenated oil) in foods and call it 0 grams of trans fat. That stuff is not necessary for the product or for us. Even in small amounts, it's a killer.

    The solution: Evil succeeds when the good remain silent.

  4. Hmmm...  Let us remove the abbreviate form, EPA, and replace it with the anonymous faces that comprise it, and now let us give these faces names with personnas.

    What's my point?  The EPA is but a host of men and women -- primarily men -- just a infinitesimal handful, who determine the health of some 300 million people.

    Once we can better put the like of this into context, we can not only ask why but we can dictate what is to be done, not as scientists but as human beings.

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