
Why would the Jets punish Brett Favre?

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Don't the Jets understand that he is Brett Favre?,99790




  1. idk why they did that to him, he is older than the coach on the jets lol kinda funny but if that is the teams rules than he shouldn't get off the leash for doing something he shouldn't have done.

  2. It's all good fun for now, and everybody is yukking it up, let's see how Favre feels about it if he's still running in a week. Sooner or later, his hillbilly Diva attitude will emerge. Just give it time.

  3. You are missing the point.. Mangini was just trying to get him to feel like part of the team...(running one lap is not punishment for a professional athlete)

  4. Becuase it was meaningless but showed everyone on the team will be subject to the same rules.

  5. Kind of a first day hazing thing, from what I read...

  6. because he's STILL a football player (just like every other Jets player), and when ANY Jets player makes a mistake (fumbling a snap), they have to take a lap. besides, it's not like a little freaking lap is going to deydrate or seriously degrade any NFL player worth their salary. it's a freaking lap. junior high students do that during gym class. these guys are paid millions of dollars. besides, the center had to take a lap also. let me guess, some of you think that the Jets towel boy should wipe Favre's @$$! come on. don't make this a bigger deal than it is. it's normal football stuff. just because ESPN and Yahoo put it on their main page, don't be a spoonfed American and just regurgitate everything you see and hear. there really is more important stuff going on out there, in this big world. shoot, even Jesus should take a lap if he fumbled a snap. (no disrespect intended ... it is to make a point.)

    "don't the Jets understand that he is Brett Favre"?

    well, shoot, w/ that kind of logic, how DARE the football become slippery! didn't it know that it was about to be snapped into Favre's hands? doesn't it understand that Brett Favre is the snap - taker?

    besides, while we banter and armchair quarterback this issue, has anyone actually considered what Favre thinks? he actually WANTED to take the lap. it was probly a good break from the monotony. besides, he WANTS to be part of the team, vice being put on a pedestal. sigh, another case of media making something more than it really is, and Americans biting on the hook, while those involved don't think twice about it. we must have SOME useless tidbit of info to dissect and discuss, while we miss out on true reality, and accept only what media tells us.

  7. because he fumbeled the snap

  8. Because they wanted the fans to give him a standing ovation...which they did!

  9. Oh you must be confused. The OLD Brett Favre wouldn’t have had to run laps…but the NEW Brett Favre, the one that doesn’t know the plays yet, the one who has an ENTIRE new playbook to learn, the one that fumbled the ball during practice…THAT Brett Favre…well he’s a football player just like the rest of them now. He’s no longer the one and only “Brett Favre the untouchable from Green Bay”….he’s now “Brett Favre from the NY Jets”.

    And well, nobody seems to care anymore but you :)

  10. I don't really think its punishment, I think that is how the Jets run their franchise.  Remember he's playing in NY, not GB.  So that means its a totally different atmosphere.  I think its foolish to think that just because he is Brett Favre he should get special treatement.  Well that is not so.  He was the poster boy of GB's franchise for so many years.  Well now he is the face of the NY Jets franchise.  Now is not the time for the Jets to hold him high on the pedestal.  He is just like the others, he has the same responsibilities as other QB's have.  So he should be treated no different.  I think Mangini has it right when he made Farve do laps.  Mangini wants Favre to do well, but at the same time, treating him like a king will only do one thing, and that is spoil him and give him false expectations.  I believe that is one reason why things went so bad in GB for Favre.  He had everything his way for so long but then after the Packers said he was not their option he became disgruntled, and they traded him.  The Jets have it right, treat him as an equal and give him his reps..  

  11. because they want brett to learn he is just like anyone else

    but he really isnt

  12. because he needs to learn teh rules thats why. they're not going to give him special treatment just because he's Brett Farve

  13. he had 2 take a lap just like any other player would. get over it.

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