
Why would the government cover up details of UFO information?

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UFO sightings are on the rise or they're at least reported more or they are easier faked. Either way, if the government did know anything about UFO's what reasons would there be for hidng such information?




  1. The government has been hiding and studying aliens and their alien technology for god knows how long. I am sure that many of our advances come from them. They would find it very difficult to control the people if thousands of years of lies and dogma were instantly banished. It would end the world as we know it. How would they control billions of people who have religious beliefs based on the lies that their is only us and god created everything for man. To find out that their is a race of creatures that were smarter, more technologically advanced than we are would be a blow indeed. And what if someone here on earth was to develop a relationship with the aliens, just like the US has with them and used their power and influence to take over the world. There is only room for one bully on this planet and right now that is the US. How can they admit that they are not the biggest, baddest or technologically advanced thing on this planet. Other countries go along with the lies for the same reasons. They need their people to believe in the religious dogma that they have attributed to these religions. As for the bible, it is a book filled with aliens and ufo's. Wouldn't any of God's angels and he himself and Jesus are self admitted ET's, Aliens. Which just means entities that are not of this planet. For thousands of years the residents of this planet have been witnessing and speaking of UFO's. I am fascinated with the ancient depictions of Aliens and their craft from ancient civilizations. They are EXACTLY like the aliens and crafts people are seeing today.  

  2. Area 51 is one of many DUMBs (deep underground military bases) connected by high speed underground trains. It is where the antichrist's army and monstrosities are being built for his soon to rise 4th Reich known as THE NEW WORLD ORDER. The final brutal empire seen by the prophet Daniel and John the Revelator.

    All craft are of human origin... just New World Order vehicles. Their technology will appear centuries ahead of the civilian population from whom they have suppressed it. As for what people are calling "aliens", think more like extradimensional beings or what some might call "The Fallen":

    If you just HAVE to believe in ETs, they have something special for you very soon. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    'Aliens' just in time for 2012! Many will be fooled...

    Later, ask yourself how we knew all this in advance:

    2 Thessalonians 2:10-13

  3. In the 1970s, the United States Government, through the Air Force, began a program called the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). This is simple proof that the government believes it is worthwhile to spend millions of dollars and many years beaming signals into space and scanning the sky in the search of an intelligent form of life To date, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) says they have not discovered any form of intelligent life.

    There are several theories about the secrecy, but a few have been generally agreed upon by most of the professionals in the field of UFO research. First of all, if it is true that beings from another planet have been in contact with humans or the U.S. government, that would be the largest breakthrough in the past five hundred years. The announcement could easily cause panic and fear for many. This panic mentality was illustrated very well in the radio broadcast of War of the Worlds.  

  4. Because the US Government is the only country in the world that has contact with aliens, and they are too embarassed to admit they need help from aliens. Unfortunately, G. W. Bush (an alien himself) failed, in his eaight year mission to rule the Earth. They are giving the job to a another alien to see if he cannot fulfill the task, otherwise the aliens are mounting a full scale invasion in December 2009.

  5. In 1938, Orson Welles did a radio program of "War of the Worlds" as if it were actually happening and being reported at the time.  The public, believing it was real, panicked.  The government decided that, if the public were told that aliens had visited us, they would panic in the same way.  That decision has stood ever since.

    I believe that more people are reporting their sightings now, and that pictures and videos are definitely easier to fake than in the past.

  6. Anyone who jumps to the conclusion that UFO's are not real is ignorant. Apparently the only way to know for sure is to see one yourself.

    I believe that UFO's are simply a new kind of government aircraft. That is why they are seen flying over US and Russian military bases. The reason we don't know about them, in my opinion, is because if there is another world war, the United States will have the advantage being that they possess such amazing technology.

    After all, if the US's technology was shared with the world, and there was another world war, wouldn't we be evenly matched?

  7. To assess  any new technology for military purposes   and for economic purposes

    If the public dont need to know   dont tell em  

  8. once again, the question should be turned around.

    if YOU were the gov't and there was a public outcry to investigate sightings of various types, some of which you believed might be your own test craft, some might be Russian test craft, some might be hoaxers have a good ole time... would you send a couple postmen out to interview Skeeter and Cleetus or would you do a thorough investigation using all the avenues available to the US gov?

    If you chose the latter, and were forced by policy to release this information, wouldn't you redact (black out) all mention of agents names, experimental aircraft testing, possible spy rings, and anything else sensitive?

  9. Easier faked and not more often reported. Many old types of UFOs are now known to people and no longer unidentified.

    And the government does know about UFOs. The only reasons for them to hide information was military secrets - when they noticed a new toy of the enemy, it is not always good to let the enemy know what you know.

    But otherwise, all UFO sightings are generally handled pretty open and transparent.

    You can be sure, now that Olympia is running and Russia and Georgia clash, the number of UFO reports in tabloids will drop - there is enough of real news around to fill the pages.  

  10. Lets think about that.

    If US officially declares that they have alien technology. Other governments may want US to share all their knowledge. As this is a universal issue concerning the earth and whole mankind, due to International Aggrements the governments may apply pressure on US Government to give away all the knowledge for the "goodness" of mankind.

    What if US has developed some secret weapon techniques using the knowledge they got from alien spacecraft?

    If US shares all this Information with other countries, they may develop even stronger weapons/technology and this way US would loose power and wouldn't be the only "one" anymore.

    So, if you would have a secret magic in your hand, which gives you power, would you share it with everyone?

  11. I'm a rational skeptic and believe there's very little truth in all that. But...I'm almost embarrassed to admit this...Project Disclosure has made me wonder. It's the only thing I've seen that I can't just dismiss. The video of the conference features people with such a pedigree (Colonels, intelligence etc) that I'm unsure. These are high ranking people in the navy, army and airforce.

    Link below.

    Considering their records and reputations...I can't understand why they'd say it if it wasn't true. I can't comprehend the reality if what they say is true. Stream the video and see for yourselves...

  12. The government covers up a lot of things, but UFO sightings aren't one of those things.  The UFO craze is equal parts hoax and mass hysteria.  The government chased rumors around for years back in the 50s and 60s and finally gave it up as a pointless waste of time.  They were so annoyed that they also defunded SETI, leaving it to survive on private money.  And since when is the US government the only government.  Is Switzerland covering up the facts.. How about Poland and New Zealand?

    Isn't it amazing how every government has colluded to keep the facts from the public, even when many of these governments are antagonistic.  

    Perhaps its time for you to adopt a simpler solution to the UFO question.  Perhaps they don't exist?

  13. Quite simply UFOs are just natural phenomena, secret military aircraft, satellites or perhaps weather balloons. Aliens in the sense you think of do not exist. Therefore the government has nothing to hide.

  14. LOL.  Like the government wouldn't hide information it disagreed with.  Where have you been living, under a rock?  Global warming?  AIDS?

    Holocaust?  Armenian genocide?  h**l-O?  US torture camps.  Tuskegee syphilis, asbestos, tobacco.  Denial is a stong psychological defense mechanism.  If we didn't have denial, maybe we'd all be unhappy enough about other peoples civil rights, living conditions and welfare to actually not tolerate the world the way it is.

    Maybe we should start small.  Like on pork barrel spending. LOL.

  15. By government I assume you mean the US government .

    people are influenced by what they see ,and in the 90's the X files was a  hugely popular tv show BUT

    there is more than one government in the world.

    and also do you remember the Monica Lewinsky affair,she gave the US president a BJ in the oval office .If the might of the US administration were not capable of keeping this  private ,what chance have they got of hiding aliens from another world  

  16. its true UFOs are out there i mean how else can you explain lights in the sky that aren't planes, stars or helicopters.  personally i don't see what harm they could do after all they are only as interested in us as we are them Although widespread panic might set in to somme people  

  17. This pretty much sums it up watch this video

  18. To prevent a public scare or mass hysteria and what not.  

  19. It's interesting, actually, because the UFO phenomenon is actually accepted as a legitimate issue in many European countries, as well as in Asia.  Probably due to intense government UFO witness discrediting programs, the American public has come to treat the issue as a myth or joke.

    If you look at it objectively, though...  You have the U.S. government officially announcing that the 1947 Roswell, NM, crash was a "flying saucer"; yet, the next day it comes out that it was actually a weather balloon.  Is it possible that we won WWII with military commanders that did not know the difference between an aircraft and a balloon?  I highly doubt that they could not make this type of distinction.  Not to mention the Kecksburg, PA, incident where a "meteorite" crashed into the forest near Kecksburg.  Yet, the U.S. government considered this "meteorite" important enough to pour troops into the surrounding forest to protect it.  Then there is the Pheonix, AZ, lights which were filmed and witnessed by thousands of people.  Somehow the military went from no operations that night to suddenly having dropped flares.  

    Then you have the Disclosure Project where hundreds of officials are now testifying to and presenting evidence for a massive cover-up.  

    We can only speculate as to why the government would mistakenly think it has a right to deny information to the public, but rest assured that in this case, it is almost definitely for the benefit of a few elite rather than the general public.

  20. because, not to freak out people or create mass panic about what might happen next in the future.

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